Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

Trump and the Triumph of White Identity Politics

In this issue: Eric Draitser on the racial animus that animated Trump’s legions. 70 Years of Decline for American Labor: Eric Laursen. When Clinton Intervened in Russia’s Elections: Nick Alexandrov. A World Beyond Trump: Matthew Stevenson. Tech Industry Monopolies: Rob Larson. What Blacks Don’t Owe Obama: Yvette Carnell. America’s Homeless Children: Richard Schweid. The War on Fracking: Lee Ballinger. Exxon and Climate Change: Jeffrey St. Clair. PLUS: Mike Whitney on the Central Banks; Chris Floyd on Trump’s America; and Jeffrey St. Clair on John Berger.

The Violence of Silence

The problem is that with Trump, the message — the optics — the symbolism if you want, is what is so pernicious. The elevation of this rapey buffoon to the Presidency is a culture shock (Trump as a younger man actually liked Roy Cohn!). So I get that shock part. I’m shocked in a sense, too. But the reality is that Trump has no idea what is going on. So who is calling the shots then? Who wanted to bomb a group of people in Yemen and snuff out the life of a beautiful eight year old child? What sort of sociopathic personality does that? The answer is that the corridors of power in the U.S. — the deep state — never really changes its actors. And those actors are sociopaths, in fact. I think that is not hyperbole. Maddie Albright and the famous ‘it was worth it’ reply to the death of millions of Iraqi children suggests I am right. More

Israel’s New Land Law: Clearing the Path to Annexation

The Israeli parliament passed the legalisation law on Monday night – a piece of legislation every bit as suspect as its title suggests. The law widens the powers of Israeli officials to seize the final fragments of Palestinian land in the West Bank that were supposed to be off-limits.

Palestinian leaders warned that the law hammered the last nail in the coffin of a two-state solution. Government ministers gleefully agreed. For them, this is the extension of Israeli law into the West Bank and the first step towards its formal annexation. More

Trump Plays Cat and Mouse with Iran

Why is the Trump administration threatening Iran? On February 1, National Security Adviser Michael Flynn announced that the administration was “putting Iran on notice” after it tested a ballistic missile which the US sees as a violation of Iran’s treaty obligations. Flynn’s frigid tone made it clear that the administration is considering the use of military force. But why? Under current More

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Ben Norton
  • TOPICS: The rise of Trump and the future of the Left.

Prince – Jazz Funk Sessions 1977

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