WA News

Verge wars: Perth council to tell residents to rip up paved verges

Residents in the City of Joondalup could be forced to rip up their paved verges at their own expense and replace them with mulch or grass after the council began cracking down on local laws it introduced two years ago.   

More than 20 suburbs within the council's boundaries are being inspected by rangers who will instruct residents with verges made up of more than 50 per cent hard surface to have them replaced.

Residents in the City of Joondalup could be forced to spend big to rip up hard surface verges. Photo: Google Maps

Mayor Troy Pickard confirmed Warwick and Greenwood were the first suburbs to be checked by rangers after a caller to Radio 6PR's rumour file flagged the enforcement action on Friday.

"There has been a growing concern within the community that some property owners have excessively paved or installed hard-stand verge treatments, including concrete and asphalt, which has a detrimental impact on streetscapes, amenity and can cause issues," Mr Pickard said.  

"Verge treatments that are predominantly hard-stand, such as brick paving, synthetic turf or cement-based materials, pose drainage issues including excessive water and fertiliser run off into stormwater drains and water bodies, which can contribute to localised flooding and other water-related issues such as algal bloom."

New regulations were introduced by the council in January 2015 which required a property verge to be no more than 75 square metres, or 50 per cent, whichever is smaller, hard-stand surface.

For corner property verges, the maximum hard-stand area permitted is 150 square metres or 50 per cent.

"The City is aiming for softer streetscape appearances and will work collaboratively with our community to achieve this, providing residents with advice and plenty of time to make any necessary changes to their verges. This will ultimately improve the amenity of their streets and their suburbs," Mr Pickard said.

More than 20 suburbs within the council's boundaries are being inspected by rangers. Photo: Google Maps

Other Perth-based councils have similar requirements for their verges, with the City of Stirling, Wanneroo and Canning, for example, only allowing verges to be one third hard-stand.

The latest verge action in the City of Joondalup comes after WAtoday revealed several 'turf wars' brewing between residents and councils over street scapes.

The debate over the best use for Perth verges has run hot over the past year, with one woman's elaborate Wembley verge garden ripped up by her council, only to be replanted by a local TV personality; another resident succeeding in being allowed to trial "turf paving" in Bayswater; and the head of the Water Corporation making a public speech encouraging people to think beyond traditional turf for verges.