Anarchist Studies Network

A PSA Specialist Group for the Study of Anarchism.


ASN members secure £250k research grant from the ESRC. See here

Rowman & Littlefield Int publish two book series by ASN members Saul Newman and Ruth Kinna

ASN Members

  • Martin Aldao, PhD Student, Law School, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Dr Bert Altena, History, Erasmus University, Rotterdam

  • Jean-Christophe Angaut, Maître de Conférences en Philosophie, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France

  • Professor Allan Antliff, Art History, University of Victoria, BC, Canada.

  • Dr John Armitage, co-editor 'Cultural Politics', School of Arts and Social Sciences, Northumbria University

  • Dr Nildo Avelino, Postdoctoral Research, Department of History, University of Campinas (São Paulo-Brazil)

  • Dr Constance Bantman, Lecturer in French at the University of Surrey

  • Dr Dave Berry, Senior Lecturer and Head of Department, PHIR, Loughborough University

  • Erik Buelinckx, attaché, Royal Institute of the Study and Conservation of Belgium's Artistic Heritage

  • Alex Butterworth, Honorary Research Fellow, Birmingham University, working on a history of late nineteenth century anarchism and its policing

  • Tom Cahill, Shifting Ground, France.

  • Jose Luis Carretero, Professor of Labour Formation and Orientation, Professional Formation, Madrid

  • Kevin Carson, independent

  • Professor Nader Chokr, Philosophy & Social Sciences, Shandong University, China

  • Professor Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor Emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Dr Alexandre Christoyannopoulos, Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, Loughborough University

  • Professor John Clark, Philosophy, Loyola University, New Orlenes

  • Dr Jesse Cohn, Associate Professor of English, Purdue University, USA

  • Lara Montesinos Coleman, Lecturer in International Relations, University of Sussex

  • Professor Davina Cooper, Kent Law School, University of Kent

  • Professor Ronald Creagh (, Emeritus Professor, University of Montpellier. Webservant RA-Forum and editor of Divergences

  • Angela Daly, PhD student, Department of Law, European University Institute, Firenze, Italy

  • Dr Anibal D'Auria, Doctor en Derecho Político, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Dr Stewart Davidson, Lecturer in Politics, School of Law and Social Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University

  • Dr Joël Delhom, Lecturer in Spanish and Latin-American Studies, Université de Bretagne-Sud in Lorient, France, Research

  • Dr Laurence Davis, Dublin, Ireland

  • Dr Chris Ealham, Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus

  • Oliver Edwards, MSc Socio-Legal Studies, University of Bristol, UK & Visiting Lecturer (Sociology), University of the West of England

  • Martyn Everett

  • Sureyyya Evren, Editor of the magazines “Siyahi” and “art-ist”, and columnist in the newspaper “Birgun”, all based in Istanbul.

  • Dr Benjamin Franks, Politics and Philosophy, University of Glasgow

  • Sotirios Frantzanas, PhD Candidate, University of Glasgow

  • Nathan Fretwell, education worker and student

  • Pedro Garcia Guirao, Instructor of Spanish Language and Peninsular Studies, Instituto Cervantes, Prague (Czech Republic)

  • Christian Garland, MA Sussex, currently independent

  • Louis-Frédéric Gaudet, Research Associate, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Québec, Montréal, Institute for Anarchist Studies

  • Dr Sharif Gemie, Reader in History, University of Wales, Glamorgan

  • Adam Goodwin

  • Robert Graham, Independent researcher and author

  • Judy Greenway, Visiting Research Fellow, Cultural Studies, University of East London

  • Dr Tom Goyens Associate Professor of History, Salisbury University, Maryland, USA

  • Gavin Grindon, Lecturer in Contemporary Art and Curating, University of Essex

  • Dr Keith Hebden, Ordinand, Gloucester diocese, Church of England

  • Dr Kleanthes K. Grohmann, Assistant Professor in Theoretical Linguistics, University of Cyprus

  • Eloise Harding, University of Southampton

  • Anders Haugen, Student, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

  • Robert Haworth PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies, University Wisconsin-La Crosse

  • Dr Jamie Heckert, practising interdependent scholarship

  • Andrew Higgins, PhD Student, Politics and IR, Lancaster University

  • Dr Carissa Honeywell, Lecturer in Politics, Sheffield Hallam University

  • Tollef Graff Hugo, Student, Norway

  • Dr Richard Hull, Senior Lecturer, Management, University of Newcastle

  • Anthony Ince, Department of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow. Also ASN Membership Administrator.

  • Dr Nathan Jun, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Midwestern State University, USA

  • Ole Birk Laursen, Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Copenhagen

  • Kate Sharpley Library

  • Dr. Garen Karapetyan, independent, Aberystwyth

  • Dr Dimitri Karmis, Associate Professor, School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa

  • Dr. Leo Keohane,Centre for Irish Studies, NUIGalway.

  • Dmytri Kleiner, independent, Berlin

  • Prof. Ruth Kinna, Professor of Political Theory, Loughborough University (ASN Convenor)

  • Dr Rob Knowles, Lecturer in modern European history, University of New England (AU)

  • Dr Alastair Kocho-Williams, Senior Lecturer in History, University of the West of England, Bristol

  • Dr Carl Levy, Reader, department of Politics, Goldsmiths, University of London

  • Tommi Lindfors, PhD Student, Department of Political and Economic Studies (discipline Social and Moral Philosophy); Research Fellow, Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights, University of Helsinki.

  • Michael Loadenthal, PhD Fellow: School for Conflict Analysis & Resolution, George Mason University. Lecturer: Justice and Peace Studies, Georgetown University

  • Professor George Mckay, School of Media, Music and Performance, University of Salford

  • Nino Kuehnis, PhD Student, Department of History, University of Zurich, Switzerland

  • David Miller, University of Montevallo, USA

  • Nick Mitchell, Masters student, University of Sheffield

  • Dr Andrew Mullen, Politics, Northumbria University

  • Dr. Lucy Nicholas, Sociology, University of Portsmouth

  • Dr Benjamin Noys, Lecturer in English, University of Chichester

  • Donal O'Driscoll, editor of Dysophia

  • Dr Philip O'Sullivan, School of Politics, IR and Philosophy, Queen's University, Belfast

  • Dr Polly Pallister-Wilkins, Teaching Fellow, Department of Politics and International Studies, SOAS

  • André Panduro, Student, Social Science and Philosophy, University of Roskilde, Denmark

  • Dr Michael Paraskos, writer and art historian

  • Aaron Park, Project Coordinator, Thunder Bay Homelessness Inititative, Ontario, Canada

  • Dr Pietro di Paola, Lecturer in History, University of Lincoln.

  • Saku Pinta

  • Dr Alex Prichard, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, University of Exeter

  • Dr Jonathan Purkis, Independent, Sociology

  • Quinn- autodidact, activist and PhD student at University of Leeds, England

  • Mary Redshaw, Independent researcher

  • Eduardo Romanos, PhD Researcher, European University Institute, Florence,

  • Chris Rossdale, Teaching fellow, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick

  • Duane Rousselle, Trent University, Ontario, Canada

  • Dr Peter Ryley, University of Hull (emeritus)

  • Dr George Sansbury, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.

  • Dr Peter Seyferth, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (research associate/assistant lecturer) at Geschwister-Scholl-Institut for Political Science, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany.

  • Ole Martin Sandberg, PhD student in philosophy, University of Iceland

  • Professor Mike Sheehan, Politics and IR, University of Wales, Swansea

  • Simon Springer, Associate Professor, Geography, University of Victoria, Canada

  • Stevphen Shukaitis, Editor, Autonomedia / University of Essex, Essex Business School

  • Inna Shtakser, Visiting Assistant Professor, Tulane University

  • Oliver Shykles, Researcher

  • Paul Stott, Lecturer, University of Leicester

  • Dr. Lilian Türk, Jewish Studies, Hamburg University, Germany

  • Professor Scott Turner, Politics, Montevallo University, USA

  • Dr Charles Thorpe, Dept. Science and Technology, University College London

  • Alan Tuckman, Nottingham Business School

  • Mitchell Verter, Independent researcher and author

  • Mohamed Jean Veneuse

  • Professor Dana Ward, Editor Anarchy Archives, Pitzer College, Claremont, USA

  • Dr Mitzi Waltz, Lecturer, Autism Studies, University of Birmingham

  • Dr. Kristina Nell Weaver, independent consultant in environmental justice and environmental conflict resolution; Assistant Professor of Geography at Piedmont Virginia Community College.

  • Christopher Wellbrook

  • Prof Leonard Williams, Professor of Political Science, Manchester College, North Manchester, Indiana

  • Gwendolyn Windpassinger, PhD student, Loughborough University