
Students take action against Sydney University over Sydney College of the Arts closure

Tim Heiderich did not come to Sydney to fight for its arts culture. The former software developer left a six-figure job in Los Angeles to come to Sydney to complete a masters in film.

But the international student has become collateral damage in the University of Sydney's plans to close its art school at Rozelle. 

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Students fight for SCA

Sydney College of the Arts students, staff and friends protest in July about University of Sydney plans to relocate and downsize the SCA.

"It's like that old story about the chicken and the pig that go into business. The chicken says, 'Hey, I'll provide the eggs and you provide the ham'," Mr Heiderich says.

"In this case, the students are the ones providing the ham."

Mr Heiderich is the first of 138 Sydney College of the Arts students taking action against the university, seeking a partial refund of his $29,990 fees, alleging misleading and deceptive conduct under the consumer law. They are arguing, essentially, that being moved out of the Rozelle campus to as-yet unnamed facilities elsewhere is not what they signed up and paid fees for. 

After several frustrating months battling the university, he now plans to cut his losses and go home to the US.


"I quit my six-figure job to come here, I sold my car, a bunch of possessions, and uprooted my life and came here to study film because I thought it was worth it. There is an interesting arts community in Sydney and it's under-represented and I wanted to be a part of it," he says.

"But the reaction I'm getting back from [the university's Provost, Professor] Stephen Garton and [SCA Dean, Professor] Colin Rhodes, is that they're not as invested as the students in it. It feels like from all sides, the uni and the city doesn't really care about the arts."

"We didn't come here to get into a protracted fight for survival, we came here to make art."

The students' lawyer, Thomas McLoughlin from the SRC legal service, says as many as 650 students could ultimately join the action in the NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal. 

Based on average claims for compensation of $30,000 per student, Mr McLoughlin says the university could be forced to pay out between $4.1 million and $19.5 million; but before compensation, the students are primarily seeking fulfilment of the original course offering at Rozelle. 

"The university promised the studios and workshop facilities at the Rozelle site, and they're now reversing that commitment or promise," Mr McLoughlin said.

Late on Tuesday , Dr Rhodes stepped down from his 10-year position as Dean of the SCA. 

Professor Garton released a statement saying Dr Rhodes would return as an honorary professor after a period of leave, and former English head Professor Margaret Harris would take over as acting dean.  

"With the proposal to transition SCA to the main University campus, and Professor Rhodes' deanship due to conclude at the end of this year, the change in leadership at this time makes sense for all," he said. 

The University of Sydney confirmed plans to move out of the historic Callan Park complex in November last year, before announcing a plan to merge with UNSW's art school in June. 

Then in late July the UNSW merger fell apart. The university scrapped the teaching of "resource-intensive mediums" ceramics, glassmaking and jewellery; said students would be moved to the main Camperdown campus and announced it would not accept new visual arts students in 2017.

Students have angrily protested the plans, including holding a small sit-in "occupation" at Rozelle which they say was on Tuesday in its twenty-third day. 

Mr Heiderich, who says he was drawn here by the international standing of the University of Sydney and the environment of the Rozelle campus, started a three-semester masters degree in film in February. 

He says that during his enrolment process he was told nothing about the possibility the campus would be closed, and first heard about it five weeks into semester in "idle chatter over lunch". 

His application to transfer to a research degree was in limbo for three months until the university ultimately decided to let him enrol, but by then he had decided it wasn't worth it. 

"I see no feasibility in committing myself to the next two years at a school whose future is in doubt. We've had no solid promises about the future of the art college or what facilities or equipment or staff we'll have. They're talking about a 60 per cent staff reduction," he says.

"Why would I commit not knowing what the university is prepared to commit?"

On Monday, Professor Garton sent SCA students an email assuring them "most currently enrolled students will undertake all, or the majority, of their studies at Rozelle until the end of 2018. After that time we will work on an individual basis with each student to ensure access to appropriate facilities to complete their studies."

A spokeswoman for the university said "The claim was received last week and is still being considered. Beyond that, it is not appropriate for the university to comment on a matter which may be the subject of court proceedings."
