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Church a "law unto itself"

Brisbane Catholic Archbishop Mark Coleridge.

A Catholic archbishop has told the royal commission that the church has been a "law unto itself" for too long and serious cultural reform is needed to address child sexual abuse.

Bunnings swoops on four old Masters stores in WA

Four of WA's ex-Masters stores have received council approval to be converted into Bunnings Warehouses.

The fate of some of the empty Masters Home Improvement buildings in WA has finally been revealed, with Bunnings seeking planning approval to rebrand four of the stores, while another looks set to become a new retail district.

Markets Live: Profits drive ASX higher


Share gains accelerate in afternoon trade, led by the banks and a number of well-received earnings updates, while a fall in oil prices weighed in energy names.

Credit Suisse's 17 restructuring stars

50 companies reported either cutting costs, selling or de-merging assets, repositioning their businesses or paying down ...

More Australian companies are restructuring than ever before and Credit Suisse believes there are seventeen that have been overlooked by the market.

Investors buy into retail surprises

A bump in the iron ore price wasn't enough to lift materials higher, though investors poured into Premier Investments ...

Shares shook off uninspiring overseas leads, with gains in the banks and a rally in Premier Investments offsetting losses in energy stocks.

Death-defying dining experience heading to Perth

Dining in the Sky is coming to Perth.

Pop-up bars and food vans are popping up all over the Perth culinary landscape of late, but there is death-defying dinning experience heading west that will leave foodies gasping for air.

Growing push for new West Gippsland hospital

Committee for Gippsland chief executive Mary Aldred is leading a push for a new hospital in the region.

A new hospital with emergency helipad and large aged care facility needs to be built in West Gippsland to service the area's booming population, say local residents, businesses and community groups.

Baby turtle found next to coal lump in Qld

A turtle hatchling races across the beach towards the ocean.

Environmentalists say disturbing photographs of a newborn turtle beside lumps of coal on a central Queensland beach are evidence of toxic spills near the Great Barrier Reef.

Qld farm raid nets 27 illegal workers

Officers from the ABF and Queensland Police raided the strawberry farm near Stanthorpe early on Tuesday.

Australian Border Force officers say they have apprehended 27 foreign nationals working illegally at a strawberry farm south west of Brisbane.