Banks challenged on regtech inertia

Global banks are investing in AI to make it easier to navigate red tape.
Global banks are investing in AI to make it easier to navigate red tape. Tanya Lake

By engaging with "regtech" start-ups, banks could slice tens of millions of dollars off their annual legal bills, create new revenue streams and turn compliance into a proactive risk management tool.

They were some of the messages delivered to a "Regtech Roundtable" hosted by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission on Wednesday.

Ian Pollari, the co-head of global fintech at KMPG, told the event that each of the big Australian banks spent between $350 million and $450 million on regulation and compliance each year, costs that should fall due to "fundamental changes to the [banking] technology stack" over the past few years.

Regtech refers to use of new technologies to solve regulatory and compliance requirements more effectively and efficiently. ASIC's roundtable was attended by more than 120 people, including staff from Treasury, the Reserve Bank of Australia, the Australia Prudential Regulation Authority, Austrac and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Ian Pollari, KPMG's co-leader of global fintech, says licensing regtech solutions could be a future source of revenue ...
Ian Pollari, KPMG's co-leader of global fintech, says licensing regtech solutions could be a future source of revenue for Aussie banks. Ryan Stuart

Mr Pollari said Australian banks should be thinking about developing innovative technology that may ultimately be licensed to global banks as a new source of revenue.

Last year, Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo invested in an automated trade compliance company called Droit, whose software helps improve compliance in derivatives trading for banks operating across jurisdictions. Meanwhile, Credit Suisse has formed a joint venture with Silicon Valley's Palantir Technologies called Signa to catch employees breaching conduct rules that it wants to sell to other banks.

Bureaucracy a challenge

Several Australian start-ups are working in the space. But Eric Frost, co-founder of Simple KYC, based in Stone & Chalk, told the roundtable that when engaging with Australian banks, their "decision making and bureaucracy is a huge challenge" for start-ups.

Matt Symons, the founder of Red Marker, which is working with Westpac, said no one Australian bank has enough data to build the artificial intelligence systems of the future. He encouraged banks to think about collaborating through pooling data that would create a more powerful technology system that could then work for all the banks to lift compliance standards across the board.

ASIC commissioner
John Price said the regulator will release a report on its regtech thinking soon.
ASIC commissioner John Price said the regulator will release a report on its regtech thinking soon. Jeremy Piper

With the "Disruptive innovation in financial services" roundtable at the Davos forum last month suggesting regtech could lead to 50,000 job losses across the global banking industry, participants in ASIC's forum preferred to focus on how the role of compliance staff will change.

Lawyer Clare Wivell Plater said computer systems needed human input to design their rules, maintain quality and interact with regulators to ensure algorithms were compliant with regulatory policy.

Blackrock's head of compliance, Alison Telfer, said regtech would turn compliance "into something fascinating for the business at higher analytical level" by allowing compliance data to be used for risk and liquidity management. "We don't want compliance to be a burden and anathema. In business, you want a culture to support compliance," she said.

Spotting patterns

Kevin Nixon, global head of regulation at Deloitte, said Australia could become a world leader in regtech but "where we get challenged is the inertia of the industry and willingness to take up new technology". But using cognitive processes to spot patterns before problems arose could satisfy regulators who wanted banks to look ahead to where emerging issues might arise.

Participants told ASIC it could do a better job to support regtech. There were calls for it to work with government to remove requirements in existing laws for the use of paper documents. Others wanted regulations to be released in a form that allows them to be read by computers. ASIC was also asked to endorse start-ups to provide banks with confidence to collaborate given their own strict requirements.

Jost Stollmann, executive director at Tyro Payments, said one of the biggest challenges for starts-ups is the authentication of client identity. Given the respect with which Australian regulation is held abroad, "there is a huge potential for competitive advantage in this country" to develop a solution, he said.

ASIC commissioner John Price said the regtech landscape is "evolving rapidly" and ASIC will release a report soon to update the market on its thinking. Regtech has an "enormous potential to help organisations build a culture of compliance, identify learning opportunities, and save time and money," he said.