Prime Ministerial reset: Turnbull unleashes his almost forgotten savage bastard

Malcolm Turnbull in full flight.
Malcolm Turnbull in full flight. Andrew Meares

You might yearn for the political contest to be fought out as a contest of ideas. But the brutal truth is that in the dynamics of the room, sheer attack and aggression, can be just as important in shaping the contest.

Malcolm Turnbull unleashed his almost forgotten inner savage bastard on Bill Shorten in federal parliament on Wednesday and not only landed a devastating blow on the credibility of the Opposition Leader, but may have finally succeeded in landing the political debate back where he wants it to be.

Let's be blunt here, the most important constituencies an embattled prime minister has to work to just now are his own government, followed by the Coalition's traditional voters.

The left might bitterly think he isn't what they thought he was; the right might think he isn't one of them, but at some point, all that noise has to be replaced by some clearer statement from the prime minister about what he does stand for.

For the past couple of weeks, Turnbull has been trying to establish some sort of beach head on a political message that plays to what is the Coalition's traditional strong points with voters about economic management.

Talking about energy prices as a proxy for cost of living issues didn't really cut it at the National Press Club, loaded down as it was by a brawl about renewables versus coal (which was probably just as important for Turnbull repositioning as the other message but over-complicated it).

And Kevin Rudd could probably tell Turnbull that running on cost of living issues is also fraught with risks in itself.

But the reality is that the prime minister has little choice right now amid the noise of both ideological battles raging in his conservative wing and the rising tide of populism and nationalism around the globe.

His attack on Shorten was savage, and personal. It's not often political leaders in Australia call each other "social-climbing sycophants" and parasites.

"There has never been a more sycophantic leader of the Labor Party than this one and he comes here and poses as a tribune of the people", the prime minister sneered

But there was a lot more. Having painted a devastating portrait of Shorten as a fraud masquerading as the workers' friend who was actually the great sycophant to big business and millionaires, the prime minister settled some other scores too.

Turnbull's performance electrified his colleagues.

Gone in hard

Shorten, for his part, had gone in hard on the prime minister, condemning reintroduced welfare cuts from the 2014 budget at a time when the government was also pushing tax cuts for big business.

But even he seemed to be taken by surprise by the ferocity of Turnbull's counter-attack.

"This bloke has no consistency or integrity," the prime minister said of Shorten. "He cannot be believed."

Having caught people's attention, he once again noted Shorten's attacks on the government over 457 visas, but argued that as a minister he had massively expanded their numbers.

The Opposition Leader, he said, had "opened the doors as wide as he could" to foreign workers.

Having been attacked for failing to initially confirm his own $1.75 million donation to the Liberal Party last year, the prime minister pointed out that "it took seven years and a royal commission for [Shorten] to disclose a $40,000 political donation".

"Give me a break Mr Speaker" Turnbull wound up.

"Mr Speaker, the Labor Party cannot be trusted with economic management, it cannot be trusted with jobs, it cannot be trusted with security."

And this gets to the significance of Wednesday's prime ministerial reset.

It would be easy to see Turnbull's attack as little more than some hot language that energised a despondent and directionless backbench.

But it came after the government had introduced a "win some/lose some" welfare and child care package which was unapologetically pushed by senior ministers who signalled they were prepared to defend some people losing payments in the interests of both budget consolidation and greater equity.

The debacle of the 2014 budget has left the government oozing a certain ambiguity over whether it was prepared to admit people would lose out in its various policy changes.

The events of Wednesday suggest this is now changing.