Raid Future Fund and it will run out, says PBO

Parliamentary Budget Officer Phil Bowen has outlined the costs and benefits of tapping the Future Fund before its ready ...
Parliamentary Budget Officer Phil Bowen has outlined the costs and benefits of tapping the Future Fund before its ready to cover its public service pension liabilities Alex Ellinghausen / Fairfax

The Coalition government is being challenged to justify any likely decision to raid the Future Fund and help deliver wafer-thin surpluses next decade, with the Parliamentary Budget Office warning the fund could be wiped out by mid-century.

In one of the most potentially politically sensitive reports released by the independent body in its 4 1/2 years of operation, the budget office in effect suggests the government would be better off keeping its hands out of the $127 billion fund for longer.

Treasury currently assumes the government will begin taking money after June 2020 from the fund – which was established in 2006 to cover the Commonwealth's gargantuan future unfunded public service pension bill, expected peak at $284 billion in 2040-41.

That drawdown assumption was included late last year in the mid-year budget update, which included a projection by Treasurer Scott Morrison that he would restore the budget to balance by 2020-21.

In a finding that echoes concerns recently raised by the fund's founder, former Treasurer Peter Costello, the budget office concludes that if the government starts tapping the fund at the end of the decade its assets will be exhausted by 2052-52, when the government's unfunded pension liabilities will stand at $249 billion.

By contrast, an alternative scenario that in effect avoids having the government steal from its own balance sheet would involve delaying the start of the draw-down phase by fours years, to 2024-25.

The budget office calculates that delaying the start of drawdowns would ensure it becomes large enough to fully cover the bureaucrat pension liabilities.

Furthermore, while the interim shortfall would need to be covered by additional government borrowing to pay for the unfunded pensions, the Commonwealth's overall net financial worth would be around 3.75 per cent of GDP higher by 2054-55. That's equivalent to $60 billion in today's money.

A key point made by the budget office paper released on Wednesday is that provided the Future Fund earns more than the government's cost of borrowing, it will be worth deferring drawdowns until the superannuation liability is covered.

That is because the budget office estimates that the cost of borrowing to fund interim super payouts during the four years of delay will be less than the return the Future Fund makes from its equity holdings, which currently stand at around 40 per cent of assets under management.

Tapping the fund early would mean foregoing those capital gains.

The budget office report puts the onus on the Turnbull government to justify any decision to access the fund for super payments from 2020 – as is currently built into its budget assumptions. 

Conversely, if it followed the "no draw down" scenario outlined by the budget office the task of repairing the budget would be marginally more difficult.

The budget office calculates that the impact of delaying drawdown on the underlying cash balance would be less than 0.1 per cent of GDP in any given year.

While small in overall budget terms, the research further exposes the meagre nature of the government's forecast surpluses between 2021 and 2027, when the surplus is expected to reach 0.4 per cent of GDP.

In other words, around a quarter of the Turnbull government's thin 2026/27 surplus will come from the Future Fund.

​The modelling suggests that even if there was a major market downturn, involving a fall in equity market returns, it would still make more sense to delay the start of drawdown. That's because an investment slump could also be expected to see a fall in the government's cost of borrowing.

A spokesperson for the Treasurer said: "The Government is considering the issues related to the Future Fund in the lead up to 2020-21 in the preparation of this year's Budget, which will include 2020-21 for the first time as the final year of the forward estimates. 

"This includes ongoing discussions with the Future Fund."