Australian Millennials are the most unhappy about work and life in the world

Deloitte chief operating officer David Hill says the main cause of negativity among local Millennials is the booming ...
Deloitte chief operating officer David Hill says the main cause of negativity among local Millennials is the booming housing market. Jennie Groom
by Sergio Magliarachi

Unhappy at work, yearning for the luck of their parents and pessimistic about their chance of ever buying their own home.

The youth of Australia are in a darker place than their global counterparts despite the relative strength of the local economy, according to a new survey.

Australian Millennials are less satisfied with their work, and more likely to leave their jobs within two years than their global counterparts, the survey by the big four accounting and advisory Deloitte firm found.

Almost 58 per cent of Australian Millennials saw themselves leaving their current job within two years, compared with the global average of 38 per cent, the study of about 7900 Millennials from 30 countries, including 300 Australians, found.

A survey has found that Australian Millennials are less satisfied with their work, and more likely to leave their ...
A survey has found that Australian Millennials are less satisfied with their work, and more likely to leave their jobs within two years than their global counterparts. 

Australia's Millennials, defined as those born between 1982 to 1999, were also found to be more pessimistic, disillusioned and unhappy than their global neighbours, despite Australia's run of 26 consecutive years of record-breaking economic growth without a recession.

But a dream

Deloitte's chief operating officer David Hill said the chief cause of negativity among Australian Millennials is the booming housing market, especially skyrocketing property prices in Sydney and Melbourne .

"You think of the great Australian dream, which to most Australians is to own your home, and I think increasingly to young Millennials in Sydney and Melbourne that is but a dream - it's out of their reach," Mr Hill said. "We live in a lucky country. The Millennials are saying, will it be so lucky for me?"

Only eight per cent of Australians believe they will be better off than their parents, and only four per cent believe they will be happier.

This contrasts starkly with the optimism of emerging market Millennials from countries such as the Philippines, India and Brazil where 71 per cent anticipate they will be financially better off than their parents and 62 per cent believe they will be happier than their elders.

In developed markets like Britain and the United States, more than a third believed they would be wealthier than their parents and 31 per cent believed they would be happier.

The study also found that less than a quarter of Australian Millennials planned to stay in their current role beyond five years compared with the global average of 31 per cent.

Australian Millennials were most worried about terrorism (30 per cent), crime (27 per cent) and climate change (26 per cent).

"My view is that's a reflection of the world of instantaneous news, graphic footage of horrifying and tragic events, [Australians are] not fearful of what has happened, but of what could be," Mr Hill said. "The data is similar in Europe and the US."

The findings also shed light on a disconnect with the political landscape for Millennials. Only 22 per cent expect the social and political situation in Australia to improve, again markedly lower than the global average of 36 per cent.

Flexibility factor

Douglas Frewin, 29, feels uncertain and frustrated about the corporate world, having worked at Macquarie Bank and Schroeders before branching out on his own.

"You're sold this dream, or vision, to think I want to be part of a big organisation," he said. "I want to be able to say I work at the Macquarie Banks, or the Goldman Sachs, or the Deutsche Bank." He called the dream "unrealistic" and the corporate world "somewhat of a rat race".

Mr Frewin is now pursuing a range of business ventures, including one that involves designing a premium protein shaker.

"Flexibility is high on my list," he said. "I'm a career driven person, but also you have to think of the adverse effects of being in that [corporate] lifestyle."

"You need to put yourself, and your workflow and your life first, and put the prestige and the organisation second."

The Deloitte study found that flexible hours within a permanent working schedule was the key to retaining and engaging Millennial employees.

More than three quarters of Australian respondents said a flexible structure would improve their productivity and they were more likely to stick to their current job.

Deloitte's Mr Hill said there was a direct correlation between Millennials working flexibly, and those who expect to be in their job for five years or more.

"The data shows if you empower and trust your employees by allowing them to work flexibly, two things happen," he said.

"One [is] their engagement goes up, and two you're more likely to retain them."