Simon Sebag Montefiore's The Romanovs book backgrounds the Putin-Trump bromance

Simon Sebag-Montefiore spends a lot of time in Moscow, where the Russian archives are, and has stayed at the Ritz ...
Simon Sebag-Montefiore spends a lot of time in Moscow, where the Russian archives are, and has stayed at the Ritz Carlton, the subject of headlines concerning presidents Obama and Trump. Richard Pearson
by Fiona Carruthers

The Romanovs is your fourth book on Russian history. What interests you about this dynasty?

You can read the book for its stories of dictators and madmen dwarfs and adventuresses, appalling acts of sadism and sexual excesses – or as a study of Russia and a single family.

The Romanovs is partly a great power saga filled with tyrants, sex, mayhem, murder, wealth and conspiracy; partly a family story in which wives kill their husbands and fathers kill their sons; and partly a study of power and, in particular, the Russian addiction to autocracy that has created the phenomenon of Vladimir Putin.

Everyone today is fascinated by Putin and his relationship with Donald Trump; the background lies in the nature of Russian power.

Getty Images

You must know Russia pretty well by now. Favourite spots?

My favourite hotels in Moscow (home to all the archives) are the Hotel National and the Hotel Metropol, though last time I also stayed in the newer hotel Ararat Park Hyatt, which is marvellous and beautiful. I also stayed in the Ritz-Carlton, right beside the Kremlin – it is most splendiferously sumptuous and where President Obama stayed and, notoriously, where Donald Trump stayed, too. My favourite restaurants are the old classic Cafe Pushkin off Pushkin Square and Tverskoy Boulevard, where ministers and artists often dine, and the newer Vogue Cafe, which is full of models, of course.

When working on a book, do you have a typical day or routine?

I start work early, but always go for coffee in my favourite hangout and local office, the Ivy Kensington Brasserie. I’m usually found at the bar reading The New York Times or if it’s later, sitting at a table working on my computer, or if it’s lunchtime, meeting friends. I like to work from 7am until about 1pm, when I stop work altogether.

You live in London with your wife Santa and kids during the week and travel to Dummer, Hampshire, on weekends. Where else do you regularly go as a family?

Simon Sebag Montefiore knows the best hotels in Moscow.
Simon Sebag Montefiore knows the best hotels in Moscow. Amy Kerridge

Santa is from a big skiing family – both her father and her uncle skied in the Olympics for Britain – so we always go to Klosters in Switzerland, where Santa’s brother has set up a holiday company called PT Ski. Otherwise we love to go to Mauritius, Antigua and Sicily – my favourite hotel there is Verdura, an amazing resort created by [English hotelier] Sir Rocco Forte.

When I’m doing my BBC TV series on historic cities I need a home away from home: the Hotel de Russie in Rome, Hotel Sacher in Vienna, The American Colony in Jerusalem, Ciragan Palace Kempinski in Istanbul, Hotel Ritz in Madrid.

Santa is also an author. Two writers in one house – heaven or hell?

It’s fun! We each have our own offices and we meet either for lunch or dinner to compare notes, although history books are very different from novels. We’ve written our first children’s book together, The Royal Rabbits of London, which might soon be an animated movie.

Favourite Seat 1A story?

When I was a war correspondent in the early 1990s, the dictator of Adjara wouldn’t let me fly out of his country (which was then an independent part of Georgia in the ex-Soviet Union), until I’d interviewed him, and every day I tried to leave he cancelled the plane. Finally, I found out a private plane was leaving. I was so desperate to catch it that when I arrived at the airport and saw it taxiing up the runway, I ran in front of it and held up my hands! The plane stopped, I climbed in and we flew off.