Seven sex scandal drip feed continues with more woe for Worner

Tim Worner and Amber Harrison.
Tim Worner and Amber Harrison.

The Amber Harrison drip-feed of damning documents in the Seven West Media sex 'n' drugs scandal continued on Wednesday with the release via her Twitter account (1500 followers and growing) of the statement she provided to law firm Allens as they conducted their much vaunted "independent investigation". 

Addressing the Seven board directly via the social media platform, the former Seven staffer asked whether or not the contents of her statement were any way reflected in the report they received last Friday or whether, as she suspects, her testimony to Allens lawyers at a meeting 10 days ago was simply a box-ticking exercise.

The Allens report has not been made public and Seven has indicated it have no intention of releasing it, including to SWM shareholders. 

The statement includes allegations of hitherto unreported instances of sexual harassment by embattled Seven CEO Tim Worner and drug taking at Seven network events. And like every other utterance in this gripping saga, it makes for fruity reading.  

The latest Twitter salvo from the former EA comes after SWM board member, Jeff Kennett – a paid-up member of the TV network's rent-a-talking-head brigade – doubled down on his earlier public pronouncements on the issue, taking to the radio airwaves on Tuesday night questioning Harrison's "character".

"We have spent as a board countless hours in board meetings, the investigators have found the allegations she made are unsubstantiated ... and we have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of our shareholders' money," he opined to 2GB's Ross Greenwood – we're sure to the delight of Seven shareholders. "She [Harrison] is today releasing more emails and texts. So be it," Jeffrey continued. "But in my opinion this is now an issue of character."

A truer word were ne'er spoken, Jeffrey.