Blowing infrastructure cash: Australia wastes $108m per $1b invested

Australian infrastructure projects waste $US97 million ($126 million) for every $US1 billion invested. But that's an ...
Australian infrastructure projects waste $US97 million ($126 million) for every $US1 billion invested. But that's an improvement. afr

Australia, along with many other parts of the world, has a terrible track record managing large infrastructure projects. Cost blowouts and delays are common, particularly in government-funded transport and telecommunications projects.

A new global report to be released in Sydney on Wednesday will show that while the billions in wastage is still there, things are improving. Australia still lags the global average, though, in terms of project management performance and needs to look at initiatives being taken in the United States and New Zealand to better manage big infrastructure projects.

PMI, a US-based organisation which certifies project management skills and tracks wastage in infrastructure spending, releases its annual survey in Sydney on Wednesday. It will show an improvement in the number of projects completed successfully in 2016 for the first time in five years.

The money wasted has fallen to $97 million for every $1 billion invested, an improvement on the average of $122 million per $1 billion wasted in the previous year. But Australian organisations came in below the global average, wasting an average of $108 million for every $1 billion spent. The survey included 187 Australian respondents working on big projects.

PMI chief executive Mark Langley, who is in Australia this week, said the latest survey identified a lack of talent for project management in Australia compared to the global average. For example, the percentage of organisations with a defined career path for staff in project management was 33 per cent in Australia compared to the global average of 43 per cent.

In Australia the percentage of projects completed on time is 50 per cent compared to 51 per cent globally. About 55 per cent of projects were completed within budget compared to 57 per cent globally.

He says there are signs, though, that governments and organisations are trying to improve things. Langley will meet executives from the Reserve Bank, Westpac, Woolworths, Macquarie and NBN Co this week. PMI's members already include Telstra and Rio Tinto. There is growing interest in project management wastage following the example set by the United States and New Zealand.

Former US President Barack Obama introduced the Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act (PMIAA), which was designed to streamline all US federal agencies when it comes to managing large infrastructure projects. This is one of  the few Obama policies President Donald Trump is unlikely to abolish as he prioritises more infrastructure spending.

Transurban's Trump bump

Toll-road operator Transurban potentially stands to benefit significantly from any sharp uptick in infrastructure spending in the United States under Mr Trump. However, chief executive Scott Charlton is urging investors not to get ahead of themselves as any work Transurban could pick up from billions of dollars in new projects could take some time to filter through. 

"While we believe it is a positive, as you know, infrastructure takes a very long time ... while we will be watching for opportunities we remain patient when it comes to the US," he told analysts, noting that a lot of infrastructure projects are managed by state authorities. Transurban is looking for new opportunities in the United States where the growth potential is huge.

Add that to the potential pipeline of toll-road projects in Australia, particularly around Sydney's Westconnex, and Transurban's future continues to look bright even factoring in the impact of interest rates rises.

Transurban on Wednesday upped its dividend guidance after strong traffic growth on its toll roads in Sydney and Melbourne in the second quarter.

Transurban rarely disappoints but its shares have been under pressure during the last six months because of the potential impact higher interest rate rises could have on the company's debt repayments. However, there has also been excitement about the opportunities for the company from Mr Trump's promise to invest heavily in infrastructure.

Citi said it liked the strong traffic growth in Sydney and Melbourne in the second quarter and the higher distribution guidance. The market is also confident around Transurban's growth opportunities from projects such as Westconnex in Sydney.

Transurban has a $9 billion pipeline of development projects which can be funded from the balance sheet. Mr Charlton confirmed speculation that the $5.5 billion Western Distributor project in Melbourne might need additional equity when it reaches an expected agreement with the Victorian  government this year.

However, he noted the potential equity required "may be less" given the company's stronger-than-expected performance and cautioned analysts about being "aggressive" on forecast equity raisings. Analysts have suggested the company could seek to raise up to $1 billion in fresh equity.