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Five of Melbourne’s missed major projects opportunities

Nothing quite says opportunity missed more than Fishermans Bend.Nothing quite says opportunity missed more than Fishermans Bend. Photo: Joe Armao

Melbourne boasts some spectacular architecture and urban precincts, but regardless of their size, not all projects end up realising their full potential. There are lessons to be learned from these examples for anyone contemplating a project, large or small.

Fishermans Bend

Nothing quite says opportunity missed more than Fishermans Bend. The Fishermans Bend precinct was supposed to be Melbourne’s “ace up the sleeve”. Where other international cities are struggling to find new areas to accommodate future development, Melbourne has an area more than twice the size of the CBD Hoddle grid for future use. Rather than strategically plan for this future, ex-planning minister Matthew Guy in 2012 rezoned the entire area a capital city zone, in essence allowing the open market to determine land use.

With developers falling over themselves to quickly lock in maximum yielding high density towers, the opportunity for a cohesive and comprehensive strategy was sunk. No contingency was put in place to deal with public spaces, community facilities, contamination issues or infrastructure. The 2015 change in government has allowed controls to be put in place, but, in many respects, the damage is already done.

Lesson: Failure to plan is planning to fail

Flinders Street Station

Police said they have foiled a Christmas Day terror plot to attack Flinders Street Station, Federation Square and St Paul's Cathedral.

Photo: Alice Archer

Many, including our current state government, like to pretend that there is nothing wrong with Flinders Street Station other than requiring a little maintenance work. A new paint job, replace some tiles, fix some toilets and it is good to go. A spokesperson for the public transport minister’s office recently told website Foreground: “We have never thought that Flinders Street Station had a design problem.”

This unfortunately indicates a deep misunderstanding of what design is about. There is, in fact, a very long list of design problems for the station. Perhaps most pressing of this list is the fact that as the peak number of passengers using the station continue to rise, we will need to adapt the station to make sure it remains safe to use.

Fortunately, in addition to the design problems, the government has access to internationally sourced and world class solutions.  The winning design by Hassell and Herzog de Meuron that was successful in the 2012-13 competition could still be rolled out, should the political will be found.  

Lesson: Sometimes projects need brave clients in order to achieve their potential.

Docklands Stadium

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - JULY 28: Members of the public make their way past Etihad Stadium in the Docklands precinct on July 28, 2014 in Melbourne, Australia. Docklands is being developed, mostly by private sector investment, with waterfront restaurants, shops, apartments, offices, businesses, technology centres, marinas, parks and public artworks. (Photo by Graham Denholm/Fairfax Media via Getty Images)

Photo: Graham Denholm

Completed in 2000, the idea of locating a new multipurpose stadium adjacent to Southern Cross Station had a lot of merit. Designed with a retractable roof and adjustable seating, the building has significant flexibility in operation. Despite these features, just 17 years in, there is serious consideration being given to replacing the stadium, or, at the very least, giving it a substantial makeover.

The way that the stadium was procured required different bidders to bid on a standardised design. This process was never going to allow the full design potential to be realised, but might have allowed for a low construction cost.

The major problem is that despite the roof and the movable seating, a high-quality visitor experience is not strongly reinforced through the architecture. In the age of high definition television, stadiums are finding it harder to draw crowd attendances. The cold, hard surfaces and the utilitarian structure does not compare well to the warmth and convenience of a living room.

In stark contrast to Docklands Stadium is the Melbourne Rectangular Stadium (Cox Architects), built just 10 years later. This project is everything the Docklands Stadium should have been: Bright, dynamic and engaging. The perfect backdrop to a major event.

Lesson: Design quality must be protected and supported by the procurement process. Lower cost does not mean better value.

Crown Casino

Crown Resorts Ltd.'s Crown Towers hotel, part of the Crown Melbourne casino and entertainment complex, stands along the Yarra River at dusk in Melbourne, Australia, on Friday, Aug. 7, 2015. Crown, the gambling company controlled by billionaire James Packer, is scheduled to report full-year results on Aug. 13. Photographer: Carla Gottgens/Bloomberg

Photo: Carla Gottgens

On an urban level it is hard to argue that Melbourne’s casino complex hasn’t achieved the regeneration of Southbank. Walking along Southbank in the evening is one of Melbourne’s great urban experiences. But aside from the spectacle of burning gas fireballs, there is nothing particularly memorable about this building. Architecturally this building appears to struggle with its own scale. Though an attempt has been made to break down this relentless mass by using a variety of materials and finishes, it still lacks cohesion and clarity.

The prominence of this complex, due to the riverside location, means that the city would have greatly benefited from a more visually consistent design, such as the brilliant Melbourne Exhibition Centre by Denton Corker Marshall

Lesson: High quality design requires depth and consistency rather than flashy add ons.

Commonwealth Games Village, Parkville

Houses at the new Commonwealth Games athletes village in Melbourne, Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2006. Victoria's Sport Minister Justin Madden led a media tour of the completed village today. The purpose-built village will become home to about 6,000 athletes and officials during Melbourne's Commonwealth Games. (AAP Image/Glenn Hunt) NO ARCHIVING, INTL OUT

Photo: Glenn Hunt

The 2006 Commonwealth Games provided the opportunity for Melbourne to welcome guests from across the globe. In order to host the athletes for the two weeks, it was thought a wise idea to permanently build the houses for the games village on a portion of public land that had been set aside for parkland since 1854. Choosing to build permanent structures for a two week event is in itself a questionable practice. With the government having decided to build on the Parkville site there was an opportunity to deliver a showcase for a higher quality suburban future.

Unfortunately the ambition was lacking, and the result is a housing estate largely indistinguishable from any other. Opportunities for increased street engagement, solar orientation of the homes and exemplary architecture were all left unrealised.

The streetscapes are comprised of large, four bedroom, double storey houses that sit uncomfortably close to one another. Narrow canyons of wasted space are formed between the dwellings that preclude their use for living spaces or vegetation. The street facing balconies have had their openings screened off as a “feature” that ties the design language of the individual houses together. This timber screening transforms the balcony from a usable open space with views to the street into an uninviting timber cage.

Lessons: Government projects need to be exemplars for good design. Be wary of “design features” that actually detract.

Michael Smith is a director of architectural practice at Atelier Red+Black. He also writes the blog The Red+Black Architect.

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