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Housing affordability: What Scott Morrison might learn – and not learn – from Britain

When Barnaby Joyce this week told prospective home buyers to "move out west" and ditch the overheated housing markets of Sydney and Melbourne, he touched a nerve. Renowned though the Deputy Prime Minister is for his love of the bush, his prescription that "the houses are much cheaper in Tamworth" was for most suburban workers a laughable solution to a problem that is really biting them hard.

It is also pretty clear that Australia's housing affordability crisis doesn't stop at the borders of the two major cities. The 2017 Demographia survey, which ranked Sydney and Melbourne as the second and sixth most unaffordable housing markets on earth, also named several Australian regional centres among the world's least affordable places to buy a home. Wollongong, the Gold Coast, Victoria's Geelong and Western Australia's Mandurah all made the list – as did Joyce's much-loved home town of Tamworth, despite its cheaper property.

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MPs tackle housing affordability

In December Scott Morrison summoned all the state treasurers to Canberra to tackle the housing affordability crisis.

"Houses are cheaper but salaries are lower," summarises Tim Williams, chief executive of the Committee for Sydney. And that's how the Demographia survey works: it compares the median household income in a city with the median house price, to arrive at an estimate of affordability. As economist Stephen Koukoulas writes in The Guardian, there are missing pieces to this calculus, such as the effect of interest rates. But the broader point stands: when a house costs 12 times your annual wage, as it does, on average, in Sydney, getting a foothold in the market becomes impossible.

World crisis

"Housing affordability is a world crisis. It's not just an Australian crisis, it's a world crisis," says Williams. He should know – he spent five years working for five different housing ministers in Britain, which just happens to be where Scott Morrison spent much of his week seeking advice on housing affordability. But according to Williams, unless the Treasurer is suddenly inspired to bring about a massive global credit crunch, he might not find many answers in London.

"Low interest rates mean high house price inflation. Extensive tax benefits for home ownership create benefits for existing owners and barriers for young people to get into housing. Unless you grapple with that … you cannot deal with house price inflation," says Williams. He's alluding largely to the dreaded beast of negative gearing.

As Labor has been at pains to point out this week, Britain's Conservative Party cut back on tax breaks for landlords with multiple rental properties in its 2015 budget. Despite a brief flirtation with curbing "excesses", the Turnbull government has marched steadfastly away from making any changes to negative gearing and will use last year's election win as a vindication of its position.


Williams says it is too early to judge the consequences of Britain's changes. "We haven't seen any impact on prices yet from that, but we have seen some landlords leave the market because there is just not as much return," he says.

If we can assume Morrison won't return from London with a newfound scepticism about negative gearing, what might he learn instead? Most of the innovations in Britain relate not to housing affordability generally (London is one of the world's most expensive property markets) but to the affordable housing sector – and this is where Australia really could make some substantial reforms.

British model

In December, state and federal treasurers signed off on a series of recommendations put forward by the Affordable Housing Working Group. Chief among them was the creation of a government-backed vehicle to finance community housing associations through low-interest, long-term loans. The idea is based on the highly successful British model, the Housing Finance Corporation, which began under Margaret Thatcher as a response to the depletion of public housing stock. In 2015, the HFC had a loan book of about £4.2 billion ($7 billion), and proved a strong, stable enterprise through the global recession.

"No bond has ever failed. No housing association that it's linked to has ever failed to pay back. So it is successful," says Wendy Hayhurst, chief executive of the NSW Federation of Housing Associations, which pushed for the creation of a similar vehicle here.

Together with significant government subsidies, the finance from institutional investors such as superannuation funds would be used to construct the 100,000 affordable homes the sector says it needs across Australia in the next 10 years. And that's just to keep the waiting lists at the length they are currently.

"We have a real long-term under-supply of affordable rental housing," Hayhurst says. "Thirty per cent of the population will never afford to buy a house. They just will be in jobs that don't pay very much. You've got a huge proportion of the population that needs affordable housing of some type."

Treasury has now been told to form a taskforce to design a bond aggregator, based on the HFC, and report back by mid-year. It's no guarantee the policy will be adopted but it would be a lot of work for nothing. "Something's happening, definitely," says Hayhurst. "I'm going to be optimistic."

The other lever government can pull is the law: to mandate that in every new residential development, a proportion should be affordable housing. It's called inclusionary zoning, and is already widely practised in the US and in London, where Mayor Sadiq Khan is trying to drag the percentage of new affordable homes up from 13 per cent of those built each year to 50 per cent. Under his new rules, developers that voluntarily reserve 35 per cent of their stock for affordable housing will have their applications fast-tracked.

"There's a radical commitment across parties to affordable housing as an inclusionary zoning requirement [in Britain]," says Williams. "We need to see something like that in Australia."

NSW Planning Minister Rob Stokes has backed a 5 per cent target for inclusionary zoning but it is yet to be legislated, while in Victoria the Andrews government is trialling inclusionary zoning on government land releases. "I'd like to go further, but let's get the principle established," Williams says.

Supply boost

While arguably needed, those initiatives do little for people who will never qualify for social housing but who are still struggling to pay rent or pull together a deposit in the private market. To date, the federal government has stressed the need to boost supply – a convenient position because the responsibility chiefly lies with the states. But the new federal assistant minister with responsibility for housing affordability, Michael Sukkar, has flagged a desire to "lead by example" and pull "the levers available to us" as the Commonwealth. A 35-year-old from Melbourne with a more acute understanding of the housing squeeze than more senior colleagues, Sukkar says voters can expect a "big, multifaceted approach" to the issue that may encompass "serious tax reform" if the states are willing to play along.

But he remains at odds with some of the experts on whether boosting new housing supply will ultimately make much of a difference. In a radio interview this week, Sukkar suggested that by increasing Sydney's housing stock by 10-15,000 a year, "all of a sudden you can make an appreciable impact on housing affordability". The target was not to reduce house prices, he said – that would be "destructive" – but to ensure wages growth outstripped housing inflation.

However, the Committee for Sydney's Williams says this won't be achieved by simply starting the jackhammers.

"You cannot reduce house prices by building more of them," he says. "Every year we build in any city in the world about 2 per cent more housing. Guess what? That is not enough to affect the house prices, which are determined by the 97 per cent. You can't flood the market to reduce the price. Nobody wants you do to that, and nobody can do that.

"If we were to build 100,000 homes in the next two years, it would not seriously affect the price of housing in Sydney. It's not about the shortage of homes – it's about the surplus of cash."

John Daley, chief executive of the Grattan Institute, says he is glad to see "the penny has probably dropped" for the government that housing affordability is a top tier issue. He is an advocate for curbing negative gearing and capital gains tax arrangements – but he warns if the Turnbull government isn't willing to do that, there may not be much more it can meaningfully achieve.

"The Commonwealth doesn't have a huge number of levers," Daley says. "If you're going to create expectations about housing affordability, you better have some pretty good answers about what it is governments can do about it. Chances are not much is going to change."

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