
Senior Moments: Lex Marinos and Benita Collings take an old-school approach

As some wag once said, growing old isn't so bad when you consider the alternative.

Or, as 68-year-old Lex Marinos puts it: "I look forward to waking up every morning, and I wake up and think, 'Thank God I haven't died in my sleep!'"

Marinos is starring alongside a group of veteran performers, including Benita Collings, John Derum and Geoff Harvey, in Senior Moments, a comedy revue about old age, written by Kevin Brumpton and Angus FitzSimons.

"It's about having a show that's about old people, for old people that's actually done by old people," says Marinos. "Rather than young people taking the piss out of us all the time, we can [take] the piss out of them."

But there's also a fair bit of self-deprecating humour, Collings says.

"It's good to laugh at yourself, not just laugh at other people, but have a really good old laugh at yourself," she says.


Marinos concurs.

"I operate on the basis that I'd rather make a fool of myself than have other people make a fool of me," he says. "I just try to get in first, really."

Much of Senior Moments' humour comes from the ever more rapidly increasing generation gap, such as a scene where an older person attempts to pay by cheque, leaving a youngster completely dumbfounded.

So have there been any, er, senior moments during the show?

"I did have one on stage," confesses Marinos. "I suddenly had nothing in my brain, so I just said, 'Senior moment!', which gave me the chance to flick my eyes down to the music stand and remember my lines.

"It was a real horror 'nothing's there' moment."

Collings prefers to put a more positive spin on the vintage of the cast.

"There's 300 years of experience on stage, so I think, 'What could go wrong?'"

Senior Moments is at the Riverside Theatre, Parramatta from Thursday, February 9, and the Concourse Theatre, Chatwood, from Wednesday, February 22.