
Queensland apprentices underpaid 'millions' since 2014

Queensland apprentices could be owed millions in back pay after the Fair Work Commission found they had been paid under the wrong award for the past three years.

The FWC on Tuesday dismissed an appeal, by All Trades Queensland, against a 2016 decision in the workers' favour.

Then, the FWC determined apprentices should have had their wages measured against the nationwide modern award of $12.66 an hour, rather than the Queensland state award of $8.75, from January 1, 2014.

According to the Electrical Trades Union, All Trades Queensland paid $9.75 an hour to apprentices under its enterprise bargaining agreement.

Comment was sought from All Trades Queensland.

ETU Queensland and Northern Territory apprentices officer Scott Reichman said Tuesday's decision meant workers would be entitled to seek back-pay.


And, in his experience, Mr Reichman said he had every reason to expect they would be successful.

"For every single one of our members, or at least were a member when they were underpaid, we will be pursuing it," he said.

"We'll be filing a first wage claim on Monday."

Mr Reichman said due to the fact there were several unions and group training organisations affected, it was difficult to estimate much was owed, but he expected it would be "well into the millions of dollars".

"We do this pretty regularly and, short of companies going into receivership or bankruptcy, we have a very, very high success rate," he said.

It was a complex situation, Mr Reichman said, as All Trades Queensland itself could be largely immune from the decision, as its award was legal at the time it was drafted.

"It's all the other group training schemes in Queensland, and private employers as well, that were paying under the state award since 2014 and should not have been," he said.

In its ruling, the FWC acknowledged the complexities involved.

"The appeal raises issues which are novel, complex, and (as the submission of the [Housing Industry Association], the [Queensland Master Builders Association] and the Apprentice Employment Network make clear) have broader implications for the pay rates and conditions of employment for trainees and apprentices in the state of Queensland generally," it said in its ruling.

Mr Reichman said the claims against All Trades Queensland could be "minimal at best".

The ETU was one of several unions involved in the FWC case, including the Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union and the CFMEU.

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