
Married At First Sight 2017: Runaway bride Lauren says it wasn't looks that made her run

Married At First Sight's runaway bride Lauren, came out laughing nervously but quickly broke down in tears when she faced her abandoned "husband" Andrew over their wedding night.

The 38-year-old Perth firefighter's fears that it was about his looks were quickly allayed by the 33-yea-old single Sydney mum, who despite admitting she expected someone taller, said it went far deeper.

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Married At First Sight: Single Mum Lauren

Lauren, 33, has an 11-year-old son, which makes it hard for her to meet men, but she’s hoping this social experiment will help her find the one.

"It wasn't about looks ... but there's a lot more at stake for me than there was for you; I'm trying to think of my son, my future and putting that first rather than an experiment, which is important but that is far more important to me than taking that gamble I suppose."

Once told she was matched because Andrew was empathetic with children, Lauren cried.

"I think it's just what I do ... it was just so intense and so overwhelming, I do tend to runaway from things and don't deal with things head on."

Earlier Lauren had admitted to having a habit of running from relationships.


"I felt kind of vulnerable. I wear my heart on my sleeve, I'm scared of getting hurt. It was my way of dealing with things... I do runaway a little bit; it's from being hurt in the past. So there's a lot more that goes to it than what actually happened."

She said despite having "good banter" with Andrew at the reception, she wasn't herself that day due to the stress brought on by the build up to the marriage over the past few months.

"I got along with you very well. I was thinking you hadn't had kids and that was something that I wanted and was hoping for; to be with somebody who had gone through a broken marriage that had, had kids. People can show empathy but some people don't get it until you've actually had kids yourself and come through a broken relationship how hard it really is to take on someone else's child."

When asked if she would could continue the experiment with Andrew she said she could understand if he didn't want to.

"I think it's just difficult to push something together after what I've done. I think I've have burnt him in a way."

And she was right, with Andrew saying: "No, I don't think so; not the way it played out. Just the things that you need to rely on a partner and a teammate weren't there at that stage so there might not be again."

He had told show psychologist John Aiken earlier that he felt "flat out rejection" over his looks after she ran.

"I was mentally prepared for that, that's one of things you expect going in. I don't necessarily need an apology but at least an explanation, it's had a big affect on me."

A humbled Lauren accepted his decision and delivered an unprompted apology.

"I can understand that and look I apologise and I would like to remain friends, if you don't want to be friends I get it but it'd be nice to stay friends," she said. "It was good to see you face-to-face and not be a coward and just runaway."

Later she told the cameras she should have given the experiment more time: "I didn't give it enough time. I just cut it off without really giving it a chance."

Andrew hinted that he will persist with the experiment as Lauren wished him all the best.

For those who missed it, on Monday's episode, Andrew explained how deep his perplexity went at being run out on.

"Lauren has gone missing ... her bags are here. She's like literally bailed out," he told the cameras from his Sydney hotel room. "I just don't get it. We were having laughs all the way through the night. She grabbed me and she was giving me kisses constantly throughout the end of the night. She was definitely having a good time."

"[We] came back from the wedding and we'd planned to go out; down the elevator, out the front, turned around to see where she was and she was gone."

He said as he was walking into the pub he noticed two taxis and then one of them was gone.

"I tried to reach her on my phone, just wondering where she was and if she was OK. But I haven't heard from her at all," he said. "I mean the more I think about that the more pissed off I get, but look I don't know what happened, clearly, so I can't really say. She could walk through that door any second. Hopefully she's alright."

While Andrew was being kept "captive in Sydney" over two days, he kept going over why she may have run.

"My thoughts are all over the place a little bit wondering where Lauren is, what she thinks. I was wondering what it was about me that made her take off so quick."

Eventually he concluded: "I don't think I was Lauren's type, I think it was as simple as that.

"I feel rejected, yup, I don't have a clue about what to do at the moment.

"The thought of having leave after being so hopeful about the whole experience is a rough thought I don't want to go. I was geared up to meet someone and try and form a really great relationship. This was the last thing I expected to happen."

Aiken tried explaining to viewers that even though they based their match-ups on "hard science" there were "variables we can't control for".

However the show has come under increasing criticism from past contestants who describe the experience as fake.

Simone Lee Brennan, a former contestant, recently penned a scathing blog post slamming the show's misleading editing and implied producers set her up for failure by matching her up with a guy who hadn't even applied for the show.

Brennan, a 29-year-old make-up artist, was matched with Xavier, a 26-year-old sales manager, on the second season of the series, which aired last year.

"My faith in the 'matchmaking' process dwindled away somewhat when my TV husband shared with me immediately post-wedding ceremony that he hadn't dated for years and never actually applied for the experiment but was angling for a hosting gig rather than a life partner.

"He was recruited from a local cafe and thought, 'Yeah sure, why not?'"

Before that 32-year-old Clare Verrall, who "married" Jono Pitman on season two, launched into a Twitter rant about the show's manipulative producers and manufactured drama as the finale went to air, calling the series a "shitshow".

"There is no three month catch up as they all broke up within weeks. Many of them have new partners now and can't wait to move on," she shared.

According to New Idea, Lauren is now dating another man called Jake, who may well be the man snapped with Lauren on her Instagram account after ending the experiment.

- with staff reporters