Thousands stung as jellyfish invade beach

Thousands stung as jellyfish invade beach

IN JUST two months, almost 23,000 people in this tourist hot spot have been stung by jellyfish. Now, you can’t even escape them by getting out of the water.

Smartphone addiction is killing romance

Smartphone addiction is killing romance

ROMANCE is on the way out as Aussies complain their partners are putting their smartphone first on date night and even in more intimate moments.

Lonely fisherman’s big catch and new buddy

Lonely fisherman’s big catch and new buddy

A WIDOWED pensioner who put a heartfelt plea for a fishing buddy onto an advertising site not only landed a fishing mate but also a trip of a lifetime.

iPhone apps vulnerable to hackers

iPhone apps vulnerable to hackers

SECURITY experts have detected a major flaw in dozens of iPhone apps that could let hackers gain access to sensitive data, including banking details.

Uber looks to the sky with flying cars

Uber looks to the sky with flying cars

FORGET about getting an Uber ride home – now the company that transformed the transport industry is looking to take to the skies.

Telstra text messages are lost forever

Telstra text messages are lost forever

YOU know that witty, insightful text message you sent during Telstra’s network meltdown? Well it’s not coming back.

‘I’ve never known that to happen before’

‘I’ve never known that to happen before’

TELSTRA’S CEO apologises for national network meltdown which disrupted rail and flight travel, and caused a weird text messaging malfunction.

##NOT FOR EDITORIAL USE - COPYRIGHTED - FOR ADVERTORIAL USE ONLY## Allphones store stocked to the hilt - mobile phone shop shops accessories

Redundancies mark the end of Allphones

AT least 69 Allphones employees have been made redundant and 18 stores closed after the independent Aussie telco giant went into administration.