Department of Corrective Services youth justice services deputy commissioner Rachael Green at Banksia Hill. Picture: Marie Nirme
media_cameraDepartment of Corrective Services youth justice services deputy commissioner Rachael Green at Banksia Hill. Picture: Marie Nirme

Inside WA's juvenile detention centres

WA’S only juvenile jail is not out of control, despite an alarming series of incidents, and officials are not going too soft on young inmates, according to the Deputy Commissioner of Youth Justice.

Defending the “transformation” of the system away from a harsh prison regime to a more humane and child-centric model of care and rehabilitation, Rachael Green denied the new reforms allowed the young offenders inside Canning Vale’s Banksia Hill Juvenile Detention Centre to get away with more.

She admitted there had been a noticeable rise in significant vandalism incidents in the past year but only a minority group was to blame.

As she puts it, the new regime — which has included putting an end to routine strip-searches and handcuffing as well as banning the use of spit hoods — is about striking the right balance between hard and soft and achieving the best outcomes for youth.

But the union representing youth custodial officers claims the situation inside Banksia Hill is dire, saying its members are on the verge of striking and fear that without action, death or permanent injury — to them or inmates — is a distinct possibility.

Recent incidents include an alleged indecent assault of a male inmate by two other male detainees, a female staff member being attacked with a chair and requiring hospital treatment for concussion and cuts, trashing of units and cells, scaling roofs to throw rocks at staff, and guards being punched.

Ms Green said these serious outbursts were clearly unacceptable and warranted repercussions but denied the centre was in upheaval or that it was an unsafe working environment.

Ms Green, who is in charge of 600 staff working with more than 1000 young offenders in the community as well as 145 juveniles in Banksia Hill, said the “ripple effect” from the Northern Territory youth detention scandal, which sparked a royal commission, had intensified public scrutiny on youth justice across Australia. Recent riots and mass breakouts have plunged Victoria’s system into crisis.

Whether bad behaviour is escalating or there is just more media exposure of incidents, Ms Green is unsure.

In 2016, the department says there were 10 incidents at Banksia Hill that caused “different degrees of damage”, while about $1 million has been spent on damage repairs since last July.

There were 16 assaults against staff in 2015-16, up from 10 and 14 in the previous two years. Assaults by young people on young people have dropped 68 per cent in the past two years from 104 cases to 33.

media_cameraDamage at Banksia Hill Detention Centre after a riot by inmates.

Ms Green said there was an unrealistic expectation that juveniles entering Banksia Hill would be “fixed” by the time they were released — an assumption that failed to take into account each detainee’s complex needs and backgrounds, and the average stay being about a month.

“Some young people, and not all, come from relative chaos, so ... it’s the first time it’s been three meals a day, it is the stability, it’s a safe place,” she said.

“We had some young people between Christmas and new year that were refusing to sign their bail papers because they were seeing Banksia Hill as a better option.”

On the other side, some families refuse to sign bail for young offenders, needing some respite.

“Sometimes just that respite of actually the young person being at Banksia Hill can reset the family,” she said.

Ms Green said excuses for acting out often involved “I was stressed”, “I was bored”, or even, “I don’t know”.

The negative behaviour can be a young person’s language or the “demonstration of an unmet need”, she said.

“These young people don’t behave in the community. Just because we move them into a secure centre doesn’t mean to say they are going to behave there,” she said.

Late last year Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan said the department “cannot get that place under control”.

Ms Green said criticism like that was “unhelpful” and did a disservice to the staff who invested in these children and went “above and beyond” to give them the encouragement or incentive to change.

“There’s an opportunity with young people that you don’t get with adults, they are young, you can see an opportunity that we can offer them the incentive or the choices to be able to change. That’s our responsibility to put it out there and encourage them,” she said.

A consistent and structured environment, particularly having the same staff working with the same kids, offered the best chance of success, she said.

More than half of the juveniles return to Banksia Hill within two years of their release, which Ms Green refused to see as a failure, saying it was in everyone’s interest to keep trying.

Each inmate at Banksia Hill costs taxpayers $991 a day compared to $107 for supervising them in the community. Detainees are down from the population of about 220 a few years ago.

Toni Walkington, secretary of the CPSU/CSA, said industrial action was looming after repeated pleas about “unprecedented incidents” and “chronic and systemic” issues at Banksia Hill had fallen on deaf ears.

media_cameraThe damage in the wake of the January 20 riot at Banksia Hill.

At their most recent meeting, members unanimously voted for a loss of confidence in the Corrective Services Commissioner James McMahon and Minister Joe Francis over their policy and management of Banksia Hill, she said.

“Staff are angry and fear for their safety and the safety of the young people in their care. They say it’s only a matter of time before there is a permanent injury or death of a staff member or young person at the centre,” she said.

Some of the measures members called for include immediate consequences for detainees, such as revoking gratuities, recreational access and TV time, fully protected panic rooms for staff, quicker response times by the special operations group, new training and fencing.

The union also believes a second detention centre is needed to separate young people on remand from sentenced juveniles and to offer more appropriate environments for girls and young people with mental illness or intellectual impairments.

A department spokesman said Banksia Hill local management had met with union representatives about their concerns and significant work was underway on behaviour management and preventing and de-escalating incidents.

Professor Colleen Hayward, an independent member of the Youth Justice Board, said Banksia Hill was “not a soft place” and believed the new regime was working.

“These young people have taken the wrong track, so how do you punish them but in a way that is humane so that they also remain humane. You don’t want them so emotionally and mentally destroyed that they have little option but to be a burden on society upon release,” she said.


SEPTEMBER 1, 2016: Four detainees vandalise a unit and use makeshift weapons against staff. Officer injured from rock projectile.

SEPTEMBER 10, 2016: Officer requires surgery after his arm is broken and elbow dislocated while restraining a 17-year-old detainee.

OCTOBER 25, 2016: Two officers taken to hospital after a detainee allegedly throws sticks and rocks at staff.

NOVEMBER 12, 2016: Seven inmates allegedly trash buildings and rip bricks out of walls to throw at officers. Flash bombs and pepper spray used to quell the riot. Union estimates $350,000 damage caused.

DECEMBER 4, 2016: Three juveniles on roof throwing rocks. Six detainees barricade themselves in cells and cause significant damage to a unit.

DECEMBER 12, 2016: Two male inmates allegedly hold another detainee against his will and indecently assault him. Police investigate the incident and charge the two alleged offenders with deprivation of liberty and indecent dealing of a child. The pair made their first appearance in court last month.

DECEMBER 16, 2016: Detainee Christmas party cancelled due to threats of rioting.

DECEMBER 20, 2016: Female staff member attacked with a chair and taken to hospital for cuts and concussion.

DECEMBER 29, 2016: Three girls climb on to a roof and throw rocks. Male detainees smash three cells in another unit.

NEW YEAR’S EVE: Three boys climb on to a roof and pelt guards with lumps of concrete after damaging their unit. One youth tries to start a fire in an oven.

JANUARY 8, 2017: Two units trashed, with officers inside an office targeted.

THIS WEEK: Male guard punched by a male detainee and a female guard punched by a female detainee.