The Chamber of Minerals and Energy spent $2 million on fighting the WA Nationals proposed mining tax.
media_cameraThe Chamber of Minerals and Energy spent $2 million on fighting the WA Nationals proposed mining tax.

Chamber of Minerals and Energy spent $2m on anti-mining tax campaign

THE Chamber of Minerals and Energy says it has spent about $2 million on a media campaign fighting the WA Nationals proposed new mining tax and which could lead to its leader Brendon Grylls losing his Pilbara seat.

Mr Grylls wants to increase the 25 cent per tonne production rental fee on iron ore set for BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto in the 1960s and increase it to $5 a tonne, raising $7.2 billion over the next four years.

CME chief executive Reg Howard-Smith said he was justified spending money attacking the tax because it was a "serious policy issue" and would cost 3000 jobs in the Pilbara region over time, based on modelling by Deloitte financial analysts.

He said most of the money would end up going to the eastern states rather than WA.

"This is a real threat to sovereign risk," he told ABC radio during a debate with Mr Grylls as part of the state election campaign.

"State agreements, acts of parliament have been agreed to and to unilaterally change those is something that resonates throughout the sector, not just with BHP and Rio Tinto."

The industry controversially spent more than $22 million according to official figures in 2010 attacking former prime minister Kevin Rudd's proposed mining tax, which helped bring down his government.

Mr Grylls said if iron ore prices were within the $US60-$US64 a tonne range predicted over the next four years then BHP and Rio would make profits of about $100 billion, based on a breakeven price of about $US30 a tonne, and they could easily afford to pay about $7 billion to the WA government.

"That $7 billion would be directed towards stabilising the budget so we can drive ourselves out of this post-mining boom downturn," he said."We think that's fair ... a fee set in the 1960s at 25 cents is not fair to still be 25 cents today."

To even contemplate introducing such a tax will require the support of coalition partners the Liberal party, which opposes the tax.

However, Mr Grylls pointed out that Premier Colin Barnett has already proposed to the big miners that they pay something to cash out of the rental fee obligation and the Liberals accepted his Royalties for Regions funding program in 2008 to get their support to form government.

"We have the only viable option to keep the West Australian economy strong," he said.