Maxima cuts the mustard: Dutch Queen rocks yellow jumpsuit as she joins King Willem-Alexander at Wartburg castle on day one of their German tour

  • Queen Maxima and King Willem-Alexander toured the castle on Tuesday
  • Both the King and Queen  signed the golden book of Wartburg while there 
  • Today marks the couple's first day of their four day visit to Germany  

She is well known for making a statement when it comes to her fashion choices and today was no different for Queen Maxima.

The Queen of the Netherlands turned heads in a mustard coloured jump suit as she arrived at Wartburg castle in Germany with her husband  King Willem-Alexander.

Never afraid to colour clash the Argentinian-born royal paired her eye-catching ensemble with a tear coat complete with a pussy bow neckline.

Queen Maxima was in high spirits this evening as she joined her husband King Willem-Alexander for a tour Wartburg castle in Germany

Queen Maxima was in high spirits this evening as she joined her husband King Willem-Alexander for a tour Wartburg castle in Germany

Always a stickler for coordination she added a matching sea green clutch and complementary gloves to her outfit.

The King looked smart in a navy pea coat and he could be seen offering his arm to his wife in a bid to keep her warm after dark.  

Today marks the Dutch couple's first day of their four day tour of Germany with their visit to the castle their first engagement 

Today marks the Dutch couple's first day of their four day tour of Germany with their visit to the castle their first engagement 

The royal couple joined the deputy prime minister of the Thuringia Heike Taubert and the major of Eisenach Katja Wolf in Eisenach, state of Thuringia

The royal couple joined the deputy prime minister of the Thuringia Heike Taubert and the major of Eisenach Katja Wolf in Eisenach, state of Thuringia

During their tour of the castle the couple looked on in awe at the impressive mosaics that can be seen on the interior of the monument

During their tour of the castle the couple looked on in awe at the impressive mosaics that can be seen on the interior of the monument

The royal couple joined the deputy prime minister of the Thuringia Heike Taubert and the major of Eisenach Katja Wolf in Eisenach, state of Thuringia on Tuesday.

Famous for her enthusiastic approach to her engagements Maxima appeared to be in high spirits on Tuesday evening sharing a laugh with her husband as they explored the inner courtyard of the castle.

During their tour of the castle the couple looked on in awe at the impressive mosaics that can be seen on the interior of the monument. 

The Queen of the Netherlands turned heads in a mustard coloured jump suit and teal combination paired with matching accessories 

The Queen of the Netherlands turned heads in a mustard coloured jump suit and teal combination paired with matching accessories 

The King looked smart in a navy pea coat and he could be seen offering his arm to his wife in a bid to keep her warm after dark

The King looked smart in a navy pea coat and he could be seen offering his arm to his wife in a bid to keep her warm after dark

They finished their tour this evening by each signing the golden book of the city as is tradition with a royal visit.  

The Wartburg is known for being the place where Martin Luther translated the New Testament of the Bible into German. 

The Dutch Royal couple is on an official four-day visit to Germany with today marking the first day of their visit.

The King and Queen finished their tour this evening by each signing the golden book of the city as is tradition with a royal visit

The King and Queen finished their tour this evening by each signing the golden book of the city as is tradition with a royal visit

The Wartburg is known for being the place where Martin Luther translated the New Testament of the Bible into German

The Wartburg is known for being the place where Martin Luther translated the New Testament of the Bible into German


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