'Firm approached me about selling my carbon credits, is it a scam?' TONY HETHERINGTON investigates

Tony Hetherington is Financial Mail on Sunday's ace investigator, fighting readers corners, revealing the truth that lies behind closed doors and winning victories for those who have been left out-of-pocket. Find out how to contact him below. 

T.D. writes: Pentagon Asset Management approached me about selling my carbon credits. Its website address is pentagonassetmgt.com and the telephone number is 020 7859 4985. 

I assume this company is a scam, but perhaps you can check it out and let readers know if it is to be avoided.

Pentagon Asset Management claims to be based in Berkeley Square

Pentagon Asset Management claims to be based in Berkeley Square

Thank you. I have checked them out. This is a scam. Avoid.

Carbon credits were a scam investment to begin with, so any firm claiming it can sell them for you is just another rip-off. 

One investor says Pentagon told him his credits were worth more than £8 each but – surprise, surprise – he would have to pay an up-front fee to start the sales ball rolling.

This is not the only evidence against Pentagon. For a start, while there are businesses with similar names, records at Companies House show there is no such British limited company.

Then there is the website. It claims Pentagon is almost 200 years old, with more than £26billion of client assets, offices in London, Switzerland, Guernsey and South Africa, and services covering shares, unit trusts and currencies.

Remarkably though, the firm has somehow managed not to be registered with the Financial Conduct Authority, leaving its bosses open to the risk of being jailed for providing all these services illegally.

Some of its website has simply been copied from that of the genuine Investec Wealth & Investment. It mistakenly copied over a passage that says: 'Discover how IW&I can help you preserve capital'. A bit of a giveaway.

'Want to know more?' Pentagon asks. 'Speak to one of our specialists today.' The confident face that smiles out from Pentagon's website really does belong to a financial adviser.

Dupe: Brian LaHue is an adviser, but not for firm Pentagon Asset Management

Dupe: Brian LaHue is an adviser, but not for firm Pentagon Asset Management

I traced him – thousands of miles away in Louisville, Kentucky, in the US. 

His name is Brian LaHue and he told me: 'No, there is no connection with me. Why would it want to use a picture of me?'

Closer to home, Pentagon claims to be located at Berkeley Square in London, but says its registered office is 12 Chequers Road in Derby.

This address exists and it is the registered office of a company called Pentagon Investments Limited – but this is a legitimate business in the vehicle industry.

Joe O'Callaghan, of the Derby company, told me: 'It has got nothing to do with us. When we found out about it we called the police straight away.

'We passed all the details to Action Fraud, but unfortunately we have heard nothing back.'

Last Tuesday, I called Pentagon's London phone number. The person who answered said 'Reception', with no company name – a clue that he takes calls for all sorts of bogus businesses. He could not help, he said, but he would get someone to phone me back.

A short time later Pentagon called me. I explained who I was and asked why the company was not authorised, why it used a fake picture on its website and why it used the address of an unconnected business in Derby. 

The speaker said he would put me through to his boss. There were some background noises, then the line went dead. By Thursday, Pentagon's website had disappeared.

There is no disputing that Pentagon is a criminal enterprise run by crooks. But if Joe O'Callaghan and his colleagues in Derby already reported this, why was Pentagon still in business just a few days ago? 

If the authorities ignore crooks like this, then all they have to do is reopen under a new name and carry on stealing. 

You don't need this company's assistance 

D.F. writes: I am sending you a copy of a letter I have sent to the Financial Ombudsman Service concerning Uniform Tax Credits, an organisation recently featured by you.

I wrote about Uniform Tax Credits (UTC) because the Swansea-based firm had won a £63 tax refund for a reader but charged £207 in fees.

Your own problem is rather different. Your son, who has learning difficulties, works as a supermarket cleaner. You told me he was contacted with an offer of help in claiming backdated tax relief for the cost of cleaning his work uniform and he authorised UTC to lodge a claim.

He was told by Revenue & Customs last June that a refund of £48 was sent to UTC. You then spoke to three different people at UTC, but your son still received nothing.

Although you have written to the Ombudsman, it does not handle tax problems. These are dealt with by the Revenue Adjudicator.

I asked UTC's boss, Michael Byfield, to comment. He told me two cheques were sent to your son, but for some unknown reason, neither arrived. A third cheque has now been sent and you have confirmed that this time your son really does have his money.

As I reported in December, the Revenue does not want to have to make individual calculations for millions of people who have to provide or clean work uniforms.

The taxman operates a flat-rate expenses scheme that anyone can use without professional help. Byfield told me: 'Our target customers are not typically Mail on Sunday readers and have no idea they are due a refund for past years, or an allowance for future years, until we contact them.'

Let us be clear: UTC has no official role and anyone can find out from their tax office whether they qualify for a fixed expenses allowance.

Binary calls are not 'local' 

C.R.D. writes: Further to your recent article on binary options investment scams, I believe BT is assisting these fraudsters. It is doing this by selling telephone numbers that make people believe a call is coming from within Britain, rather than abroad.

Advances in technology mean that none of us should rely on a telephone number as proof of where a call originates. You have given me examples of numbers that appear to show calls coming from Bedford, Aberdeen and Ayr, when in fact they all come from Cyprus.

It is not illegal to supply a British number to a foreign firm. BT told me: 'BT, like many communications companies, has for many years offered companies the use of worldwide phone numbers, including UK numbers, that may be located in almost any country. Companies use these numbers to appear local and enable them to be contacted at low cost, or no cost, by their customers.'

Worse though, scam firms can 'spoof' a British number, so when they call from abroad, a fake British number shows up on your caller ID screen. The safest policy is to refuse to deal with cold-callers. When in doubt use a free online directory service to get the genuine number of the firm supposed to be calling you and then ring them back so you can be sure of dealing with the genuine article.

If you believe you are the victim of financial wrongdoing, write to Tony Hetherington at Financial Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TS or email tony.hetherington@mailonsunday.co.uk. Because of the high volume of enquiries, personal replies cannot be given. Please send only copies of original documents, which we regret cannot be returned. 

Breakdown in communication... but RAC comes to the rescue 

Mrs B.J. writes: My husband is 81 and I do not drive so we decided that as we only travel locally, we would cancel his RAC membership. We did this last May, but £92 has now been taken from our bank account. We complained but received no reply, just an email thanking him for renewing.

The RAC has told me it received your letter. It was scanned into the RAC's computer system, but due to a technical error the person responsible for cancelling your husband's membership was unable to view it.

By the time you read this, your husband will have received a written explanation and apology from the RAC.

The £92 is being refunded to your bank account, together with a further £30 by way of an apology. Good service in the end. 


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