
Updated: 15:16 EST

Soccer ball recovered from Challenger sent to ISS

In 1986, astronaut Ellison Onizuka (pictured on right) boarded the ill-fated Challenger carrying a soccer ball from his daughter’s high school team with him. The ball, signed by the boys and girls of Clear Lake High School soccer, was eventually recovered from the 250,000 pounds of wreckage found in the Atlantic Ocean after the shuttle exploded just 73 seconds after launch. Now, more than 30 years after the tragedy, an image from the International Space Station shared by astronaut Shane Kimbrough reveals the soccer ball has finally made it to orbit.

NEW For the first time ever, URLs have outdone hashtags in Super Bowl ads. A report has revealed that 30% of the ads had a hashtag – a 15 percent drop from last year - while 41% included URLs.

An international team of scientists led by Utah State University has created a new helium-sodium compound. It is the first time helium has formed a stable bond with another atom.

NEW The international team, led by researchers at Nagoya University, measured carbon-14 levels in the bristlecone pine forest in California. This revealed that 7,000 years ago, Earth was pelted by cosmic rays.

NEW Kent researchers have revealed that when we go online, we really do lose track of time. They say Facebook is the worst offender, and that users suffer an  'impaired perception of time.'

Apple is ramping up production of the iPhone 8 a month earlier 'than historical norms', reveals a new report. BlueFin Research revealed there will be a 300% increase in iPhone builds in June.

Concorde's last journey to a £19million aerospace museum

After 13 years languishing at the side of an airfield in Bristol, the iconic supersonic plane was towed across an airfield to an indoor hangar in preparation for it becoming the centrepiece of a new £19million aerospace museum. Bristol Aviation Centre, which will celebrate the city’s aviation history, is due to open this summer (inset).

Two cricket clubs in Yorkshire and Cumbria have not yet returned to their grounds. The 130-year-old Corbridge Cricket Club, Northumberland, had to demolish its flooded clubhouse.

Contrary to what The Graduate's Mrs Robinson would have you believe, middle-aged women actually prefer older men rather then toy-boy lovers, new research from Finland has revealed.

The towers (pictured) will be built in Nanjing and with enough greenery to absorb 25 tons of CO2 each year and produce about 60kg of oxygen. They are due to be complete in 2018.

NEW Researches at Bar-Ilan University in Israel have discovered that boxer crabs carry stinging sea anemones around to protect themselves and will even rip an anemone in two if it only has one.

Internet-connected TVs sold by California-based Vizio contained Automated Content Recognition software (ACR) which tracked second-by-second viewing information.

Researchers from the State University of New York have discovered that pitcher plants across the world evolved separately but developed exactly the same strategy for devouring insects.

FILE - In this Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2015, file photo, the Twitter logo appears on a phone post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.  Twitter says it is taking more steps to clamp down on hate speech and abuse on its social networking service, Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017.   The company says it is working to identify people who have been banned for abusive behavior and stop them from creating new accounts.(AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

Twitter also announced today that it is creating a 'safe search' feature that removes tweets with potentially sensitive content. The changes will be rolled out globally in the coming days.

Nasa's golden years revealed in colourised images

The striking colourisations were carried out by Westport-based artist Matt Loughrey.The images, which have been expertly colourised over hundreds of hours of painstaking work, show (from top left clockwise) astronaut John Glenn in 1962 during project Mercury, intense discussions raging at mission control, Nasa software engineer and mathematician Margaret Hamilton in 1969 and mission control hard at work during the Apollo 11 moon landings.


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Alien-like gecko sheds its skin at the lightest touch

The new species of gecko (pictured), found on Madagascar, has massive scales which tear away to help it escape the clutches of predators, who are left with a mouthful of scales. The scales of the 'fish-scale' gecko are attached to the skin by a narrow connection that tears with ease. Beneath them they have a pre-formed 'splitting zone' within the skin like perforated paper. Although several other geckos are able to lose their skin for self-defence, Geckolepis are apparently able to do so actively at the slightest touch. And while others might take a long time to regenerate their scales, these geckos can grow them back, scar-free, in a matter of weeks.

Email accounts are being hacked by exploiting weaknesses in people’s passwords, sending emails that purport to be from a legitimate source in order to trick you into giving away information.

Lettuce-growing kits can cost as little as £30. You can grow up to four heads at a time. You can grow salad leaves by using a hydroponic system, which is used industrially in the UK and Spain.

The bizarre clouds were discovered by researchers from the Nasa-supported programme, Automated Radiation Measurements for Aerospace Safety (ARMAS), based in Los Angeles.

Speculation is mounting that Apple could remove global support for 32-bit apps from iOS 11, after the launch of the latest beta version of the operating system.

DARPA has made a system that can catch drones mid-flight. Instead of risking damage when drones need to land on US Navy Ships, the SideArm can retrieve drones up to 1100 pounds (500 kilograms).

The cost to upgrade the US electrical grid so it could cope with peak demands may be on the order of $180 billion, said the report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ©KEVORK DJANSEZIAN (GETTY/AFP/File)

As the planet warms due to climate change and hot days become more common, the US electrical grid could be unable to meet peak energy needs by century's end.

Researchers at the University of Rochester have found that there’s a patch of reversed polarity beneath southern Africa. If they could use a compass deep underground, north would point south.

Researchers at the University of Sheffield have found that learning sign language can be beneficial for hearing adults too, giving them faster reaction times in their peripheral vision.

Apple recently launched a developer preview of the new Ultra Accessory Connector. The new 8-pin connector is smaller than both USB-C and Lightning, and is so far designed for use with headphones.

The latest discovery from Curiosity has baffled researchers trying to work out how the Martian atmosphere warmed, allowing water to flow and pool on the planet's surface - and possibly sparking life.

New exhibition explores the quest to make machines human

An army of robots has invaded London's Science Museum on a mission to teach humans their 500-year-old history. 'Robots' explores the role played by humanised machines in religion, the industrial revolution, science and popular culture. Included in the exhibition are The Silver Swan robot, built in 1773 (top left), a robot baby that can move its arms and legs (top middle), a 16th century automaton monk (right), and Baxter, a robot used in factories in the US (bottom left).

The leather cases, complete with a Samsung logo, show the S8 will have a fingerprint sensor on the rear - fitting with previous claims it will have no home button but an 'infinity screen' on the front.

According to the international team of researchers, the trend suggests viewers are more likely to see a performance as ‘truly brilliant’ if they from the same social group as the actor.

The scary prediction comes from Dr Jason Barnes, a planetary scientist at the University of Idaho. If the moon and Earth collide, the energy released in the merging would melt the Earth into a magma ocean.

People sit at a table on stage and look towards the hologram of hard-left French presidential candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon, as he speaks to supporters who are gathered in Saint-Denis, near Paris, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2017. As Melenchon holds a rally in Lyon Sunday, a hologram of him is being projected by satellite to crowds in Paris. (AP Photo/Kamil Zihnioglu)

To create Mr Melenchon's hologram, designers filmed him in Lyon, before using a projector in Paris aimed at a screen on the ground to broadcast the footage.

It does also appear that it is possible to be 'too nice'. This is clearest in instances where people become overburdened with the need to care for or provide for others.

A sex doll company is set to release a robotic sex assistant that can form emotional bonds with its users. Each life-like silicon 'RealDoll' requires about 80 hours of work to make and has customized genitalia.

Researchers at Griffith University in Queensland, Australia have found that a 'weed-like' algae is killing corals in the Great Barrier Reef because of increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

Curators from the National Archives in Trencin, Slovakia believe they have found the origins of the emoji - a smiley face drawn in a scripture by a lawyer to indicate he was happy with documents.

World's strangest graveyards where the unwanted go to rot

From bicycles to tanks and warships - these are the world's most bizarre graveyards for abandoned vehicles. Some of the abandoned goods have been left over from conflict, including a number of cars used during the Second World War. Also included in the stunning collection is a sea of statues of former US Presidents and a mangled metal mountain created by cast-off rickshaws in Bangladesh.

A survey for BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine found just one in eight had regularly spotted a hedgehog in their garden. The drop is blamed on a reduction of their natural habitat.

The Mail on Sunday today reveals evidence that the organisation that is the world’s leading source of climate data rushed to publish a landmark paper that exaggerated global warming.

The short exposure technique was devised by researchers from the Institute for the Developing Mind at Children's Hospital Los Angeles (stock image).

An artist's impression of the more than 100 million pieces of debris in orbit around the Earth

An experimental Japanese mission to clear 'space junk' or rubbish from the Earth's orbit has ended in failure, officials said Monday, in an embarassment for Tokyo.

It is believed the iPhone maker is working on lightweight glasses with a small display that would link to a user's iPhone, according to blogger Robert Scoble.

A warning went out to millions of parents around the world that schoolchildren could be sending nude selfies after being groomed by paedophiles through teenage dating app Mylol.

During last night's Super Bowl in Houston, Google's advert for its Home device left some viewers annoyed, as their own Google Home systems thought the TV was trying to communicate.

In the race to build a commercially available flying car, Uber has hired Mark Moore, an advanced aircraft engineer from Nasa's Langley Research Centre in Virginia.

The 'Stonehenge' in the middle of the Amazon

Hundreds of mysterious structures built into the Earth more than two thousand years ago have been discovered in the Amazon rainforest. The remarkable earthworks have long remained hidden by trees – but, deforestation in recent years has unearthed more than 450 massive geoglyphs. While little is known of their purpose, it’s thought that these ditched enclosures, were once used sporadically as ritual gathering places.

Radiation levels inside a stricken reactor at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant have hit a record high. Levels are so high that they could kill off robots sent in to probe the reactors (pictured).

The drawn out feeding frenzy is still underway in a galaxy 1.8 billion light years from Earth, and astronomers say the supermassive black hole is growing at an ‘extraordinarily high rate.’

In an article for The Conversation, Caspar Addyman, a Lecturer in Developmental Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London explains how the 'ultimate lullaby' was created (stock image).

Seattle-based Amazon has plans for a robot-run supermarket with a drive-thru service. A staff of robots on the top floor will automatically grab shopping from shelves and bring it down to customers.

Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania professor, Dr Adam Grant, and researcher Reb Rebele, explain that selflessness at work ends up hurting the very people you intended to help.

The warnings are part of the government's 'Get It Right' campaign which aims to warn internet users of the dangers of online piracy. The consequences for ignoring the warning are not yet clear.

A new study called 'The dark side of going abroad' by researchers from Colombia University showed people are more likely cheat if they visit lots of countries.

Researchers at the University of Helsinki and Aalto university have found that empathetic people interpret the facial expressions of dogs more intensely - and is they were humans.

DARPA has made a system that can catch drones mid-flight. Instead of risking damage when drones need to land on US Navy Ships, the SideArm can retrieve drones up to 1100 pounds (500 kilograms).

Dashcam catches jaw-dropping moment a METEOR soars over the Midwest 

Midwestern skies were lit up by a breath-taking meteor that caught the eye of hundreds in the early hours of Monday morning. Footage captured by a Lisle, Illinois police dashcam shows the jaw-dropping moment the glowing meteor soared across the sky. More than 100 people reported the sighting which took place around 1:30am, primarily in the Chicago area, but was also seen in Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota, Missouri and Ontario, Canada.

Northwestern researchers are comparing the effect of living at zero gravity for a year on a human's gut microbiota - the 'bugs' found naturally in the gastrointestinal tract (GI) to aid digestion.

Boeing has hired a small company to make about 600 3D-printed parts for its Starliner space taxis. Oxford's parts will help Boeing lower costs and save weight on each seven-seat capsule.

MailOnline Travel has scoured the internet and spoken to insiders at the Royal Aeronautical Society and carriers such as British Airways and EasyJet, to bring you amazing plane facts.

Two sex toys which belonged to the rich and powerful in ancient China will go on display in the United States. One device was found in the tomb of an aristocrat and the other belonged to a king.

Researchers at the University of Bristol suggest picky ants are more helpful to the colony for finding a new nest because they would be more likely to visit more locations before settling.

The University of Oxford found two mechanism involved in decision making. One increases the amount of necessary information need to make a choice and the other lowers the threshold.

Penumbral lunar eclipse will appear with a comet on Friday

On Friday, a lunar eclipse is forecast to appear, casting a shadow across the moon's surface. And just a few hours later, Comet 45P - also known as the New Year comet - will make its closest approach to the Earth. For viewers in the UK, the shadow will first cast over the moon at 22:34 GMT, and will end at 02:53 GMT. And for those in New York, the event will begin at 17:34 ET, and end at 21:53 ET.

A meteorite found in Africa reveals Mars was home to erupting volcanoes for 2 billion years - nearly half its life. The planet is now said to have the longest-lived volcanoes in the solar system.

An engineer in Ventura, California has created a machine that holds a hot dog in front of a dog to direct it. The device rotates the hotdog in different directions with a remote control.

The University of Manchester will brave the frigid environment of Antarctica to search for 'lost' meteorites in 2020. The iron meteorites are believed to hold clues to planetary creation.

Snapchat's parent company, Snap Inc, has taken the first step of going public by filing paperwork with the SEC. The firm aims to raise $3 billion in the IPO and will trade on the NYSE as 'SNAP'.

Keen-eyed conspiracy theorists had spotted a strange circular object on Google Earth satellite images of Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory near Los Angeles earlier this week.

The warning comes shortly after Florida-based Moon Express announced its plans to set up a mine on the moon to bring back precious resources, including metals and moon rocks.

California-based Uber has filed a patent for a feature that uses the social media profiles of UberPool riders to find mutual connections and interests between them for an easy ice-breaker.

Elon Musk tweets photo of his giant tunnel boring machine

Elon Musk posted the photo with the caption 'Minecraft'. When Musk first announced his plans to bore a tunnel to his SpaceX offices in Los Angeles in December it appeared he was joking. He tweeted at the time: 'Traffic is driving me nuts. Am going to build a tunnel boring machine and just start digging...'. The entrepreneur has a strong track record of getting ideas off the ground. Musk has started two transportation related companies - Tesla for electric cars and SpaceX for launching into space. He has also initiated the development of Hyperloop, a proposed method of travel that would transport people at 745mph (1,200km/h) between distant locations.

VR Bangers' POV Head Rig is equipped with stereoscopic cameras in the eyes, binaural sound microphones, and multiple cameras across its surface to achieve 4K resolution for 'intimate' moments.

An Australian diver and film-maker recorded the video of the moment an octopus suddenly puffed up, inflating itself with water, off the coast of Melbourne, Australia.

Researchers based at the University of Chicago and Monash University in Australia used the internet to reveal global sleep patterns. They found that Argentina and Spain get the most sleep.

A team of international researchers found that more than 100 of the 229 World Heritage sites are 'rapidly deteriorating' from human activity and forest loss and could soon be damaged beyond repair.

The' feature has finally come to the UK after being launched in the US in October 2016. Friends can comment with suggestions on your post and their advice will appear in a map.

Eating a diet rich in vegetable oil could be triggering diseases such as dementia. Nutritionist Dr Catherine Shanahan explains why, and how we can change our diets to avoid further damage.

Researchers using the NERSC supercomputers say the effort will help improve our understanding of the physical conditions that give rise to these ultra-bright objects.

Researchers at Yale University have made a new material from liquid metal and magnetic particles. Researchers can use the material to recreate the powerful magnetic forces at the planet's core.

Enceladus up close: Stunning new image of Saturn's moon

It’s thought that Enceladus may hold the right conditions for life, with watery jets, hydrothermal activity, and a global ocean buried beneath its icy crust. Now, a stunning new image from the Cassini spacecraft reveals an up-close look at the mysterious moon. Like Saturn’s other moons, Enceladus appears ‘cold, icy, and inhospitable’ – but scientists say it could be a promising candidate in the search for alien life.

Builders laying cables beneath the O2 Arena in Greenwich, London, accidentally discovered and opened a Blue Peter time capsule that was buried under the Millennium Dome in 1998.

The 57-year-old Vulcan nuclear bomber - XH558 - flew for the last time in October 2015 after a summer delighting millions of people at air shows and fly-pasts around the UK.

The latest beta release for Android suggests that this feature will soon be available to the app's 600 million global users. Instagram has not yet confirmed its roll out.

In a study on rats by researchers at the Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, the technique was found to encourage them to lower their usage of the deadly drug.

The new study, published in the Neurology medical journal, reveals simply heading the ball is more likely to lead to injury which increase one's risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute in Munich have designed a probe that measures only a few inches and weighs just 100 grams (0.2lbs) that could explore the mysterious Proxima b in a little under 100 years.

An international team has created a blue-phase liquid crystal that will allow screens to pack in more pixels, with potential to achieve three-times the pixel count of Apple’s Retina Display.

Watch the incredible moment a cliff collapses above a massive 'firehose of lava' flowing from Hawaii's Kilauea volcano into the sea

A section of sea cliff above a massive 'firehose' lava flow on Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano has collapsed and splashed into the ocean as tourists and geologists watched. A large crack in the section of cliff above the gushing molten lava stream gave way Thursday afternoon as scientists stood just yards away.  Geologists with Hawaii Volcano Observatory were at the site to monitor the crack when it collapsed,  and managed to capture the scene on video.

Oxford University director, Carl Frey, has revealed the high paying jobs most likely to become obsolete because of the march of technology. Middle class roles such as loan officers could soon disappear.

The study comes from researchers at the Boston Children's Hospital, who used a laboratory-made virus to deliver corrective DNA into the inner ear of mice.

Self-taught photographer Oscar Keserci has taken mesmerising nocturnal images of millions of stars over the island of Rhodes, Greece, and at home near Kirkkonummi, Finland.

Last week, it was reported that former policewoman Nicki Donnelly, paralysed from the waist down, could walk again on robotic legs. We reveal six other bionic limbs recently introduced to medicine.

Researchers from McMaster University in Hamilton have excavated 123 individuals from four cemeteries near the remains of a medieval Christian monastery in Sudan.

The 'dark web' are pages that are hosted by web servers using the anonymous web protocol called Tor. Its original purpose was for good, but has also been used by criminals.

Google is using historical parking data to warn users about the parking situation at their destination. Users just plug their destination into the parking difficulty icon to see a score of 'limited', 'medium' or 'easy'.

British supermarket Ocado is testing a soft robotic hand that picks and packs fruits and vegetables in its warehouses. RBO Hand 2 uses flexible fingers to grasp items and could replace human workers.

The global scam sends users an email, appearing to be from Netflix, which ask them to update their membership details. The email includes a link that shows a fake log-in page.

Researchers from around the world, including a team from Google, have unveiled what they say is the first practical blueprint for the 'holy grail' of computing - a quantum computer.

Archaeologists have discovered more than 25 skeletons in the centre of the Cambridge University campus, and expect to discover dozens or more in the coming weeks.

The incredible image was captured by the JunoCam imager on Nasa's Juno spacecraft on December 11, 2016, as the spacecraft performed a close flyby of the gas giant planet.

Archaeologists have discovered a new tomb in Thebes, Egypt, belonging to a man described as a 'true renowned scribe', which was intricately decorated with carvings of baboons (pictured).

A new study in Finland revealed men’s preferred age range widens over time, and they too consider sex with a partner their age or older – and are more likely to act on it than with a younger interest.

A study of school pupils by scientists at the University of Michigan has found that our social interactions appear to play a key role in helping to shape our personalities as children.

A new mathematical tool developed by a researcher at Rockefeller University has revealed the rhythm of electrical activity in the brain as it responds to external stimuli, illustrated in colorful diagrams.

These incredible pictures reveal the strange assortment of plans developers have had to house people or alleviate traffic in the centre of London.

The tricky puzzle was posted on Facebook by Butuan, Philippines-based Keril. So far over 1,500 people have attempted to solve the puzzle, with varying results.

The puzzle, which comes from a new book by London-based Alex Bellos, requires you to transform two triangles made from six matches into four triangles, by moving just two matches.

The Earth’s magnetic field surrounds our planet, protecting life from harmful solar radiation by deflecting charged particles away. Far from being constant, this field is continuously changing.

Researchers from GUARD Archaeology have excavated the Trusty's Hill Fort in Dumfries and Galloway, and believe this could be the elusive kingdom of Rheged.

The Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia has created the world's first 3D-printed bridge. The creation, which is 12 metres long, is printed on micro-refined concrete.

At the Sun Temple in Colorado, constructed around AD 1200, researchers from Arizona State University have discovered a slew of sophisticated shapes that are still familiar today.

Researchers at the University of Akron have retrieved the voices from the antiquated wire spool, revealing songs that the Nazis’ prisoners were forced to sing – and their songs of rebellion.

Massive chunks leftover from the formation of the planets may have been to blame, creating craters on Mars and the moon, and ancient scars that have since been erased from Earth’s surface.

A mathematician from Cardiff University claims naturally occurring acoustic-gravity waves (AGWs) could react with a tsunami in a way that forces its energy to spread out, reducing its height.

A researcher from Nottingham Trent University reveals six cosmic catastrophes that could have the potential to destroy Earth including high energy solar flares and an asteroid impact.

The makers of Vespa scooter has built a new two-wheeled vehicle that is not made to carry humans. Called Gita, the cargo robot can haul 40lbs of goods while following behind a human user.

The new picture from the Very Large Telescope uses roughly two billion pictures to display the Cat’s Paw and Lobster nebulae, which sit 5500 and 8000 light-years away from Earth.

The Southern Methodist University has found that a runner's pattern of force application on the ground is due to the motion of two parts of the body, which could help create customized running shoes.

The new images from the Cassini spacecraft provide an unprecedented look at the details of the outer parts of the main rings, revealing a number of interesting features, from ‘straw’ to ‘propellers.’

Researchers at the University of Nottingham, led by Dr Chris King, examined the historic building using 3D scanning lasers.

Researchers from the University of Glasgow played a variety of songs to a group of pets at a rehoming centre in Dumbarton, Scotland.

The new 'groundskimmer' is a huge craft capable of carrying 500 tonnes of cargo in a single trip. To do this, is uses an effect known as ground effect to trap a cushion of air underneath its giant wing.

A UFO hunter claims to have spotted ‘an Iron Man robot’ hitchhiking on Comet 67P. Scott C Waring found the bizarre sighting while examining images from the European Space Agency.

Engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a transparent swimming robot made from a jelly-like material that can capture goldfish in its embrace (pictured).

Humans have a much longer and wider penis than other great apes. Even the largest of gorillas, more than twice as heavy as a human, has a penis just two and half inches long when erect.

The 'SELFLY' drone phone case was invented by ex-Israeli orthodontist, Hagay Klein. Utilising smart camera technology SELFLY uses high end stabilisation allowing it to autonomously fly.

Researchers from Wits University, in Johannesburg, found evidence for a continental crust beneath Mauritius (pictured), which would have been part of the continent 'Mauritia'.

In the image from the Hubble Space Telescope, the low-mass star is seen shooting its outer layers of gas and dust into space as it transforms from a red giant to a planetary nebula.

The mosaic was generated from 32 individual orbit ‘strips’ captured between 2004 and 2010, and covers an area of around a million square kilometres.

A wormhole is a type of bridge that could form when space time is folded. While wormholes have never been observed, A researcher at Ohio State University said that they could exist.

The skeleton was found in St Mary Magdalen leprosarium near Winchester, Hampshire. University of Winchester scientists say it shows how leprosy spread due to pilgrimages.

Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 posted the image of six pot plants on its Facebook page on Friday - the question is can you spot which one has a snake hiding in it?

The planets, each more massive than Jupiter, are circling a bright young star that lies in the constellation Pegasus, 129 light years away. It was created with seven years of observations.

Rear Admiral Chris Parry described the navy's Type 45 destroyers, which cost £1billion each, as sounding like 'a box of spanners' underwater.

The Line-us robot (pictured) was launched on Kickstarter by London-based designers and was fully-funded in just 30 hours. This mini robot is a USB-powered arm that connects to an app.

Maps from NASA’s Earth Observatory reveal just how extreme the ice loss could be, with some areas surrounding Camp Century expected to shed 10 or more feet from the surface per year.

Global brands including FedEx, Carrefour and F1, have hidden symbols within their logos, in a bid to make their brands as memorable as possible.

Human bones including skulls, teeth and vertebrae, litter the shoreline on grisly Deadman's Island off the coast of Sheppey, Kent.

Teams of students have tested their half scale pod designs in a specially built 1km long SpaceX test track - with Delft University taking first prize.

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology inspired by a video of a frog playing a video game have discovered the secret behind a frogs high speed, sticky tongue.

Oxfordshire-based Tokamak Energy's technology revolves around high temperature superconducting magnets, which allow for low-power and small-size devices, but high performance.

NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has captured rare ‘behind-the-limb’ solar flares coming from the far side of the sun. The events occurred on October 11, 2013, January 6 and September 1, 2014.

Leaked footage from the company’s first presentation of Handle reveals a robot that looks like the child of the Atlas bot and a Segway, with self-balancing capabilities to prevent falls.

Researchers at Keio University analyzed the motion in an enigmatic gas cloud, revealing signs of a hidden black hole in our galaxy. And, they say the method could be used to find others.

Researchers at Duke University have identified a part of the brain that lets you 'superfocus' on your environment and ignore distractions.

The European Space Agency says the 50m high dome, close to a planned moonbase near to the moon's south pole, would give the first settlers 'a place of contemplation'.

A stunning new map from Imgur user Fejetlenfej shows the complex network of rivers and streams in the contiguous United States, highlighting the massive expanse of basins across the country.