'Dad screams... Dad is the happiest person... Dad cries': Young girl keeps entertaining diary of the Super Bowl, based almost entirely on her father's VERY emotional reactions

  • An unkown girl logged notes about her father's emotional behavior during the Super Bowl
  • Most of her notes are about her dad screaming 
  • Her father seems to have been a Falcons fan, as he was very happy when they were winning and cried at the end of the game 

A young girl kept notes on the goings-on of Sunday night's Super Bowl, but the witty tyke seemed more interested in watching her dad's rollercoaster of emotions than what was going on in the field.

The unknown girl used notebook paper and pencil to keep the game log, which someone later shared on Imgur and Reddit.

She scientifically notes the time for each entry, but rather than scratching down things like 'First Down Falcons' or 'Touchdown Patriots', she kept a record of the way her dad felt about each play.

So cute: A girl logged notes about her father's emotional behavior during the Super Bowl

So cute: A girl logged notes about her father's emotional behavior during the Super Bowl

Big game: She seemed much more preoccupied with what he was doing than what the players were doing

Big game: She seemed much more preoccupied with what he was doing than what the players were doing

The log started off looking like it would keep track of the game, with timed entries for halftime, Lady Gaga's performance, and the start of the third quarter.

But clearly, the girl found her father's reactions more fascinating than what the players were doing.

At 8:49, 8:51, and 8:53, she noted that he screamed — twice at 8:51. He laughed at 8:52 and then, at 8:54, he 'screams and startles me'.

There were 'weird commercials' at 8:56 — a time when dad clearly took a break from his over-the-top reactions, too.

Her father seems to have been a Falcons fan, as he was very happy when they were winning and cried at the end of the game

Her father seems to have been a Falcons fan, as he was very happy when they were winning and cried at the end of the game

Then, at 9:21, 'dad fights with dog', at 9:23 'dad does his evil laugh', and at 9:29 he screamed again.

At 9:49, when it looked like the Atlanta Falcons were going to win, she noted that 'Dad is the happiest person'.

But the game went into overtime at 10:30, and by 10:30, her note simply reads: 'Dad cries'. 

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