'What did you do?!' Horrified parents film their adorable baby girl happily smearing herself in BUTTER

  • A new video sees a two-year-old girl singing and happily smearing butter all over a table while her parents attempt to question her 

Some kids try to butter up their parents to get away with misbehaving.

But the toddler in a new viral video clearly has no intention of doing such a thing - as she has already done a fine job of buttering up pretty much everything else.

A new clip, thought to be filmed in the US, features a two-year-old girl named Briley, who has managed to slather herself - and the kitchen table - in butter.

Smearing away: A two-year-old girl was filmed smearing butter all over herself and a kitchen table while her parents fail to scold her

Smearing away: A two-year-old girl was filmed smearing butter all over herself and a kitchen table while her parents fail to scold her

However, despite the obvious evidence to the contrary, the little girl is hilariously defiant as she is quizzed by her parents. 

'What did you do? Did you get in the butter?' asks mom, as she films her daughter.

'Nope!' chimes Briley, clearly not bothered about having an audience as she pushes the yellow substance around the table.

Mom asks several more times what she is doing, but instead of looking even the tiniest bit guilty, Briley breaks out into song, babbling gibberish as she continues to sweep her hands across the table.

Eventually, the adults in the room appear to have given up staying mad at the blonde tot, failing to hold back their laughs.

All smiles: Briley's parents try to ask her what she is doing, but she just begins singing adorabl gibberish and smiling their way
All smiles: Briley's parents try to ask her what she is doing, but she just begins singing adorabl gibberish and smiling their way

All smiles: Briley's parents try to ask her what she is doing, but she just begins singing adorabl gibberish and smiling their way

Too cute: Eventually mom and dad seem to give up being mad at the cute blonde tot as they break into laughter

Too cute: Eventually mom and dad seem to give up being mad at the cute blonde tot as they break into laughter

'Briley... do you not realize you're in trouble?' asks mom, but her question is simply met with more adorable gibberish.

With her blonde ringlets in cute pigtails on her head, the little girl bops back and forth singing nonsense and smiling away as she smushes the butter around on the table. 

The two-and-a-half-minute video ends with mom asking Briley to say goodbye to viewers. 

She blows her parents some kisses, reaches out a butter-covered hand and waves at the camera saying 'bye bye!'

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