'She sounds like she's from Carlisle!' Viewers mock Sheridan Smith's attempt at a Yorkshire accent in BBC's Shannon Matthews drama

  • The two-part BBC drama is a retelling of Shannon Matthew's staged kidnap
  • Schoolgirl from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, was reported missing in 2008
  • But it later emerged her abduction had been staged by her mother Karen
  • Ms Matthews jailed along with her former boyfriend's uncle Michael Donovan

Viewers have mocked actors' attempts at a West Yorkshire accent in a new drama depicting the abduction of schoolgirl Shannon Matthews.

The Moorside, which debuted tonight on BBC One, stars Leeds-born Game of Thrones actress Gemma Whelan as Karen Matthews and BAFTA winner Sheridan Smith, from Lincolnshire, as her friend Julie Bushby.

Within minutes of the show starting on Tuesday night, viewers had taken to Twitter to protest that the accents were the 'worst they'd ever heard'.  

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The drama focuses on local efforts to find the missing nine-year-old who went missing from her home in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire in 2008 (pictured: Sheridan Smith as Julie Bushby)

The drama focuses on local efforts to find the missing nine-year-old who went missing from her home in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire in 2008 (pictured: Sheridan Smith as Julie Bushby)

The two-part series focuses on local efforts to find the missing nine-year-old who went missing from her home in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire in 2008 - only to be found 'safe and well' 24 days later at the home of a family friend. 

Twitter user Adam Wray blasted: 'Is Sheridan meant to be doing a Yorkshire accent? It's just she sounds a little like she's from Carlisle'. 

JB wrote: 'Not sure they have the accent down on Moorside...they keep going scottish/geordie/west indian [sic.]!'

While Kristian Johnson complained it was 'absolutely awful' listening to them. 

In February 2008, police launched a desperate search after nine-year-old Shannon did not return to her home on the Moorside Estate in Dewsbury.

A £50,000 reward was offered after Shannon disappeared and her mother made a series of emotional appeals on the television while the local community, led by Julie Bushby, made extraordinary efforts of their own to find the missing schoolgirl.

'They keep going Scottish!' Within minutes of the show starting on Tuesday night, viewers had taken to Twitter to protest that the accents were the 'worst they'd ever heard'

'They keep going Scottish!' Within minutes of the show starting on Tuesday night, viewers had taken to Twitter to protest that the accents were the 'worst they'd ever heard'

Not impressed: Twitter user Adam Wray joined in the fray, blasting: 'Is Sheridan meant to be doing a Yorkshire accent? It's just she sounds a little like she's from Carlisle'

Not impressed: Twitter user Adam Wray joined in the fray, blasting: 'Is Sheridan meant to be doing a Yorkshire accent? It's just she sounds a little like she's from Carlisle'

L-R Natalie Brown played by Sian Brooke, Julie Bushby played by Sheridan Smith, and Karen Matthews played by Gemma Whelan in The Moorside which debuted tonight on BBC One

L-R Natalie Brown played by Sian Brooke, Julie Bushby played by Sheridan Smith, and Karen Matthews played by Gemma Whelan in The Moorside which debuted tonight on BBC One

Missing: Police launched a desperate search in February 2008, after nine-year-old Shannon did not return to her home on the Moorside Estate in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire

Missing: Police launched a desperate search in February 2008, after nine-year-old Shannon did not return to her home on the Moorside Estate in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire

However, it wasn't long before doubts started to creep in regarding Karen's behaviour - and just weeks later it was revealed that her kidnap had been entirely staged.

Ms Matthews admitted she arranged for the abduction to receive the reward money for finding her.

Her daughter was discovered on March 14 2008 - less than a month after she was reported missing - at a house in Batley Carr, one mile from Dewsbury.

The home where she was found belonged to Michael Donovan, now 49, who is the uncle of Karen Matthews' former boyfriend Craig Meehan.

Game of Thrones actress Gemma Whelan, right, plays Karen Matthews in the drama which retells the story of her daughter's abduction and led to her being jailed for eight years

Game of Thrones actress Gemma Whelan, right, plays Karen Matthews in the drama which retells the story of her daughter's abduction and led to her being jailed for eight years

Conned: Local woman Julie Bushby, played by Sheridan Smith (pictured) made extraordinary efforts of their own to find the missing schoolgirl after she was reported missing in 2008

Conned: Local woman Julie Bushby, played by Sheridan Smith (pictured) made extraordinary efforts of their own to find the missing schoolgirl after she was reported missing in 2008

Community: A £50,000 reward was put up after Shannon disappeared and her mother made emotional appeals on the television, helped by the local community including Julie Bushby

Community: A £50,000 reward was put up after Shannon disappeared and her mother made emotional appeals on the television, helped by the local community including Julie Bushby

Matthews and Donovan were arrested and went on trial at Leeds Crown Court before being convicted of kidnap, false imprisonment and perverting the course of justice. 

In 2008 Karen Matthews was sentenced to eight years in prison for kidnapping, false imprisonment and perverting the course of justice along with Michael Donovan, the uncle of Karen's boyfriend. 

Shannon, who was taken into police protection and cared for by social services, is now 18 years old.

The drama comes as former friends of Shannon Matthews' mother blasted the family for 'making money' from the furore surrounding the schoolgirl's fake kidnap.

Julie Bushby, 46, and Natalie Murray, 35, from Dewsbury, who are both depicted in the new BBC drama, hit out after Karen Matthews' family issued a statement saying they were 'disgraced and hurt' by the decision to make The Moorside. 

Julie Bushby, played by Sheridan Smith (pictured) has blasted Karen Matthews and her family for 'making money' from the furore surrounding the schoolgirl's staged kidnap

Julie Bushby, played by Sheridan Smith (pictured) has blasted Karen Matthews and her family for 'making money' from the furore surrounding the schoolgirl's staged kidnap


. 19 February 2008 Shannon Matthews is last seen outside her school in Dewsbury

. 20 February Police announce a massive search for the missing girl

. 21 February 200 volunteers join the local police search party

. 1 March Shannon's mother Karen issues an emotional public appeal for the safe return on her daughter 

. 12 March Reward offered for information leading to Shannon's whereabouts is increased to £50,000

. 14 March Shannon is found inside the base of a divan base at the home of Michael Donovan in Batley Carr 

. Over the next few weeks Donovan, along with Shannon's mother and stepfather, are all charged for separate offences

. 23 January 2009 Matthews and Donovan are sentenced to eight years each of kidnap, false imprisonment and perverting the course of justice

Julie, who is played by the actress Sheridan Smith, said during an appearance on This Morning today: 'That’s [the family's] choice, they weren’t saying that eight years ago when they were making money out of the paper were they?'

The pair also revealed that the community in Dewsbury are 'fed up' of hearing about the traumatic events of 2008 and their dramatic retelling.

Julie said: 'Nothing has really been said about it on the estate. They are fed up of it flashing up on Facebook. I don't think anybody is bothered anymore.'

After Karen was jailed, Julie was one of the only people to visit her former friend in prison, and told presenters Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby that she went because she just 'wanted the truth'.

'I wanted answers. No [I didn't get answers]. She kept saying other people were involved, I just wanted the truth… I wanted to know who, why, what.' 

As part of the terms of Karen's release, she was barred from any contact with anyone related to the case, including Julie.

Natalie, Karen's next-door-neighbour at the time, explained how she had had her 'suspicions' about the mother's story, but that no one believed her and the sole focus was on finding Shannon. 

'It started when she did the very first interview outside her house. I was there when the family liaison officer said not to do the interview. That it could put her child’s life at risk and Karen did the interview.

'To me as a mum I thought "why would you do that, why would you put your child at risk?" 

'I went straight down and asked her and she said everybody told me to do it. I was angry that nobody would listen to me, that nobody was seeing her behaviour.' 

The pair spoke about witnessing their television counterparts impersonating them, with Julie adding she is still friends with Sheridan Smith.

Natalie added: 'They all did an amazing job. Sheridan - how she played Julie - it is scary how accurate it is.'

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