The ultimate millennial inking: People play tattoo roulette with EMOJIS including the ghost, the eggplant and even the poop

  • People took a gamble to decide what icon they would have tattooed 
  • There were eight possible choices including the alien and eggplant emojis 
  • Tattoo Artist Amanda Mas went to work inking small masterpieces

Getting a tattoo is never a decision that should be taken lightly.

Yet, one brave group of people decided to let the spin of a roulette wheel determine which emoji icon they should have permanently plastered onto their skin in a brilliant new video.

There were eight possible choices from ghost and eggplant emoji to the alien and poop emoji.  

Spin the wheel: Volunteers bravely agreed to take part in a game of tattoo roulette, which saw them spinning a wheel to decide which emoji they would have inked on themselves

Brown out! The 'poop' emoticon was both loved and feared. Tattoo artist Amanda Mas ensured she had the right shade of brown for the intricate design 

Artistry in action: Tattoo artist Amanda Mas is based in Connecticut and took part in the stunt for Elite Daily

Seven people decided to take a chance for Elite Daily, spinning the special emoji wheel in order to determined which cartoon-esque character they would end up with tattooed on them.

Would they land on the cha-cha girl or perhaps the crown? The ghost, or the alien?

The volunteers ranged in how tattooed they were with a few already havng 'some' tattoos, while others had 'lost count'. 

Before spinning, one man who already has a quirky tattoo of Pizza Rat declared which he wanted to avoid. 'I definitely don't want the eggplant or the poop tattoo!'

Another volunteer, Shanique, declared she already had seven tattoos. A hard spin of the wheel saw her land on the equally loved and feared 'poop' icon. 

'Yes! I think my mom will laugh and like it because it's kind of cute!' she laughed. 

Rock on! This woman was delighted that she secured the 'rock on!' emoji

Ready for his closeup: This gentleman was pretty laid back about whatever he would receive 

Contemporary: The man showed that he already had a tattoo of Pizza Rat from 2015 and so was relaxed when it came to the emoji options

As Amanda grabbed her needle and got ready to ink, she explained the delicate artistry involved: 'I need to get the right shade of poop brown for this!' 

Another woman managed to land on the '100' emoji and was clearly delighted with the result. 

'Now that's what i'm talking about!' she enthused. 'I got the 100 because that's how I keep it! 

'I am so happy I didn't get the poop even though I am the sh*t!'

It was a colorful crowd of people who took part in the random artwork. 

One woman thought about how she might look back upon her decision, 'I'm for sure going to regret this in ten years!' she said.

Quirky designs: These two emojis proved to be among the most popular designs

Pray! This man claimed he didn't mind which tattoo he was getting. He ended up with the eggplant

Eggplanted! The eggplant emoji is often used as a phallic symbol which may not suit everyone for a tattoo! 

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