Kellyanne Conway in epic showdown with CNN host as she takes on the network Trump calls 'fake news' – and gets an earful about his 'false' claims

  • A CNN anchor grilled White House chief counselor Kellyanne Conway for 25 minutes on Tuesday, complaining about 'false' statements from the president
  • CNN reportedly refused to put her on the air Sunday, citing credibility problems
  • Conway and press secretary Sean Spicer cried foul, but CNN stood its ground
  • Tuesday's blistering attack from anchor Jake Tapper included the charge that the White House 'has such little regard day-in, day-out for facts, for truth'
  • Trump has labeled the network 'fake news' 

Top Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway has returned to CNN following a 24-hour spat over claims that the network considered her too untrustworthy to book for its Sunday 'State of the Union' program.

Late on Tuesday afternoon, anchor Jake Tapper offered her a 25-minute blistering condemnation of the White House as a fast-and-loose operation that treats facts with casual disregard.

The president has rhetorically body-slammed CNN as 'fake news,' enraging some of its executives and on-air journalists. A 'Saturday Night Live' skit three days ago depicted one of its reporters as a diapered baby in a prison-barred playpen.

Tapper shoved back, saying Tuesday that while reporters make mistakes, 'it is very difficult to hear those criticisms from a White House that has such little regard day-in, day-out for facts, for truth, and who calls us "fake news" for stories that they don't like.'

Smackdown: White House chief counselor Kellyanne Conway (right) returned to CNN on Tuesday, only to be on the receiving end of blistering attacks from anchor Jake Tapper (left)

Smackdown: White House chief counselor Kellyanne Conway (right) returned to CNN on Tuesday, only to be on the receiving end of blistering attacks from anchor Jake Tapper (left)

 Ready to rumble: Tapper shoved back on the Trump White House's critique of the media, saying Tuesday that while reporters make mistakes, 'it is very difficult to hear those criticisms from a White House that has such little regard day-in, day-out for facts, for truth, and who calls us "fake news" for stories that they don't like.'

 Ready to rumble: Tapper shoved back on the Trump White House's critique of the media, saying Tuesday that while reporters make mistakes, 'it is very difficult to hear those criticisms from a White House that has such little regard day-in, day-out for facts, for truth, and who calls us "fake news" for stories that they don't like.'

Donald Trump has called CNN a 'fake news' network, rankling network personnel – and Tapper got their revenge Tuesday with claims that the president is running 'a White House that has such little regard day-in, day-out for facts, for truth'

Donald Trump has called CNN a 'fake news' network, rankling network personnel – and Tapper got their revenge Tuesday with claims that the president is running 'a White House that has such little regard day-in, day-out for facts, for truth'

Conway was on her back foot during her interview on 'The Lead,' an unusual posture for those representing Trump, who is known for demanding his staff never play defense.

'Let me just say: We have a very high respect for the truth. ... We have a high regard for facts,' she protested.

Tapper railed against Trump's claims about America's violent crime rate, and his contention that journalists haven't sufficiently covered Islamist terror attacks.

'How about the president's statements that are false?' he asked.

'Like "The murder rate is the highest it's been in almost half a century"? False! How about "The media doesn't report on terrorist attacks"? False!'

'I'm talking about the President of the United States saying things that are not true,' Tapper said. 'Demonstrably not true.'

Conway declared that reporters should pay equal attention to 'the many things he says that are true that are making a difference in people's lives.'

Trump's missteps 'distract from things he says,' Tapper responded.

Spin cycle: Conway declared that reporters should pay equal attention to things Trump says 'that are true that are making a difference in people's lives'

Spin cycle: Conway declared that reporters should pay equal attention to things Trump says 'that are true that are making a difference in people's lives'

The president told a group of sheriffs on Tuesday that the U.S. murder rates stands at a high water mark in the past 47 years.

'To say there was a spike in murder rates in between 2014 and 2015 is true,' Tapper allowed.

But 'he said it's the highest murder rate in 47 years and the media doesn't report it. And again, Kellyanne, the media doesn't report it because it's a lie.'

'For the president to say that is – I can't even wrap my head around it,' Tapper concluded.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer mistakenly claimed Tuesday that CNN never intended to keep Conway at arm's length.

The network was quick to push back, insisting its bookers chose not to invite her.

A mini Twitter war erupted Tuesday after Conway claimed she took herself out of contention for a CNN slot on Sunday, and the network pointedly disagreed – with backing from an MSNBC morning co-host

A mini Twitter war erupted Tuesday after Conway claimed she took herself out of contention for a CNN slot on Sunday, and the network pointedly disagreed – with backing from an MSNBC morning co-host

A New York Times media columnist wrote Sunday that 'CNN declined to have her as a guest on Sunday,' in part 'because of what the network told me were "serious questions about her credibility".' 

'False,' Conway tweeted. 'I could do no live Sunday shows this week BC [because] of family.'

CNN's public relations department fired back on Twitter, saying she '@was offered to SOTU [State of the Union] on Sunday by the White House. We passed. Those are the facts.'

MSNBC 'Morning Joe' co-host Mika Brzezinski chimed in, also on Twitter: '[Y]ou are not the first.'

Spicer insisted Tuesday in his press briefing that CNN had 'retracted' its position about Conway's credibility. 'They've walked that back, or denied it.'

Not so, CNN's PR team said in another tweeted statement: 'CNN was clear, on the record, about our concerns about Kellyanne Conway's credibility, to the New York Times and others. We have not "retracted" nor "walked back" those comments. Those are the facts.'

Spicer told reporters that 'Kellyanne is a very trusted aide of the president' and 'any characterization otherwise is insulting.'

'If they [CNN] choose not to work with someone, that's up to them. But I think we're going to continue to put out key leaders in this administration, including Kellyanne, that can articulate the president's policies and agenda.'

Conway's brand took a hit last Thursday when she misspoke about a pair of would-be terror masterminds who were arrested six years ago in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

She was defending Trump's country-specific travel ban by noting that former president Barack Obama called for a 6-month pause admitting refugees from Iraq 'after two Iraqis came here to this country, were radicalized, and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre.'

Conway offered her latest in a series of mea culpas on Tuesday, telling Tapper she 'regretted it tremendously, because I used a wrong word to describe something several times.'

But she boasted in her next breath that ABC News had seen a resurgence of interest in the terrorists' story: 'I'm very happy to have raised awareness.'

'You cited a massacre that didn't happen,' Tapper retorted. 'You said the media didn't cover it. The media did cover the masterminds.'

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