'This man is a parasite': Malcolm Turnbull unleashes a brutal attack on Bill Shorten accusing him of 'sucking up to millionaires'

  • Malcolm Turnbull launched a scathing attack on Opposition Leader Bill Shorten
  • Turnbull accused Shorten of being in the pocket of the liberal elite in Melbourne 
  • He called the Labor leader a 'parasite' and a 'social climbing sycophant'  

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has launched a scathing attack on Bill Shorten, branding him a 'parasite' and accusing him of 'sucking up to millionaires'.

In an extraordinary attack at Prime Minister's Question Time, Turnbull accused the Opposition Leader of being in the pocket of the Melbourne elite.

'There was never a union leader in Melbourne that tucked his knees under more billionaire's table than the Leader of the Opposition,' Turnbull said, to cheers from the Liberal benches.

He also called the Labor leader a 'social climbing sycophant'.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has launched a scathing attack on Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, calling him a 'parasite'

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has launched a scathing attack on Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, calling him a 'parasite'

Shorten looked decidedly unimpressed during the grilling in Parliament on Wednesday
Shorten looked decidedly unimpressed during the grilling in Parliament on Wednesday

Shorten looked decidedly unimpressed during the grilling in Parliament on Wednesday

During the heated session, Turnbull also joked that the Labor Party thinks 'manual labour is a Mexican bandit', adding: 'Most of them have never done a day's work in their life.'

He went on to accuse Shorten of 'sucking up to millionaires'.

'He likes harbourside mansions, he's yearning to get into Kirribilli House - because somebody else pays for it,' the prime minister said.

'Just like he loved knocking back Dick Pratt's Cristal and looked forward to living at the expense of the taxpayer, this man is a parasite and has no respect for the taxpayer.' 

He claimed Shorten craved to live 'in luxury at the expense of the Australian taxpayer', adding: 'This man is a parasite.'

The heated exchange was prompted by a Labor motion condemning Mr Turnbull for 'being so out of touch that his hopelessly divided government punishes family, pensioners, carers and new mums while giving a $50billion handout to business and big banks'. 

In an extraordinary attack at Prime Minister's Question Time, Turnbull accused Shorten (pictured) of being in the pocket of the liberal elite in Melbourne

During the heated session, Turnbull also joked that the Labor Party thinks 'manual labour is a Mexican bandit'

During the heated session, Turnbull also joked that the Labor Party thinks 'manual labour is a Mexican bandit'

Shorten had quizzed Turnbull on tax changes for working families while cutting business taxes when the prime minister came back swinging.

'How can the Prime Minister stand there and pat himself on the back for attacking the living standards of one million Australians?' he had asked.

Shorten later added: 'Mr Harbourside Mansion is attacking the living standards of more than one million Australians. Tough on pensioners, soft on banks'.

But Turnbull shot back: 'There was never a union leader in Melbourne who tucked his knees under the tables of more millionaires than Bill Shorten.' 

The prime minister labelled Mr Shorten a 'social-climbing sycophant if ever there was one'.

'There has never been a more sycophantic leader of the Labor party than this one, and he comes here and poses as a tribune of the people.' 

He went on to accuse Shorten of selling out union members by allowing employers to bring in cheaper, foreign workers.

'This bloke has no consistency or integrity. He cannot be believed,' the prime minister said. 

'He said he is against 457 visas, well he knows more about them an anyone. He is the Olympic champion.'

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