'You messed with the wrong b****es!': Amy Schumer points gun as she and Goldie Hawn try to escape captors in new Snatched trailer

She is known for her comedy.

But Amy Schumer showed that she could be a convincing action star as well.

The 35-year-old actress wielded a gun alongside legendary actress Goldie Hawn in the trailer for Snatched released on Tuesday.

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Dynamic duo: Amy Schumer wielded a gun alongside legendary actress Goldie Hawn in the trailer for Snatched released on Tuesday

Dynamic duo: Amy Schumer wielded a gun alongside legendary actress Goldie Hawn in the trailer for Snatched released on Tuesday

As the two play a mother-daughter duo kidnapped while on holiday they did all they could to escape their captors in the two-and-a-half minute long clip.

It all comes to a head when Amy points a gun at one of the imprisoner as she yells at him: 'You messed with the wrong b****es!'

With the encouragement from 71-year-old Goldie, she tries to keep a steady hand as she tells the beaten man: 'I'm going to count down, I'm going to do it.'

Lighting it up: The 3clip began with the 35-year-old hitting the bar while on holiday

Lighting it up: The 3clip began with the 35-year-old hitting the bar while on holiday

Handsome: The comedienne gets romanced by a dashing English man (Tom Bateman)

Handsome: The comedienne gets romanced by a dashing English man (Tom Bateman)

Over-cautious: Her mother - played by 71-year-old Goldie - was shown for the first time completely covered up as she said the sun was dangerous

Over-cautious: Her mother - played by 71-year-old Goldie - was shown for the first time completely covered up as she said the sun was dangerous

Helping hand: Goldie began putting sunblock on Amy

Helping hand: Goldie began putting sunblock on Amy

'Mom it feels like you're putting on a lot': Amy said as she was covered in sunblock

'Mom it feels like you're putting on a lot': Amy said as she was covered in sunblock

Foreshadowing: The two are then warned about being kidnapped by Wanda Sykes

Foreshadowing: The two are then warned about being kidnapped by Wanda Sykes

Amy then begins counting from 100 making for one last laugh before the clip ends.

The film is centred around Amy who persuades her over-cautious mother to take a holiday in Ecuador.

It is there where the comedienne gets romanced by a dashing English man (Tom Bateman) before telling him she is there with her mother.

Partying it up: Despite the warning Amy decides to enjoy the vacation

Partying it up: Despite the warning Amy decides to enjoy the vacation

It was all good: She went on an expedition 

It was all good: She went on an expedition 

Worried: She convinced her mother to join her

Worried: She convinced her mother to join her

Uh oh: Their vehicle crashes into a van and they are taken hostage by masked men

Uh oh: Their vehicle crashes into a van and they are taken hostage by masked men

That's when Goldie is introduced as she hits the pool while completely covered up as she claim the sun is 'very dangerous'.

The mother of Kate Hudson then decides to completely cover Amy in sunblock as she says: 'Mom it feels like you're putting on a lot.'

The two are then warned about being kidnapped by Wanda Sykes but Amy does manage to convince Goldie to go on an expedition with her new found love-interest.

In formation: The captors ask for Amy's pin number to which she replies slowly: '1-2-3-4'

In formation: The captors ask for Amy's pin number to which she replies slowly: '1-2-3-4'

Funny: Goldie reacts with obvious disappointment as Amy replies. 'I was going to change it'

Funny: Goldie reacts with obvious disappointment as Amy replies. 'I was going to change it'

Touching: Amy tells Goldie that he loves her before they plan their escape

Touching: Amy tells Goldie that he loves her before they plan their escape

Pleading: Amy's brother (Ike Barinholtz) calls for help

Pleading: Amy's brother (Ike Barinholtz) calls for help

However things go completely wrong as their vehicle is crashed into and they are taken hostage by masked men.

One of the funniest parts from the trailer comes when the captors ask for Amy's pin number to which she replies slowly: '1-2-3-4.'

 Goldie reacts with obvious disappointment as Amy replies. 'I was going to change it.'

The rest of the trailer shows the two doing all that they can to escape as Goldie even makes a jump from a balcony to a wall which Amy is impressed by.

Figuring it out: The rest of the clip features the two stars trying to escape

Figuring it out: The rest of the clip features the two stars trying to escape

Action woman: Amy hits an enemy in the head

Action woman: Amy hits an enemy in the head

Mom strength: Goldie impressively carries one of the incapacitated captors

Mom strength: Goldie impressively carries one of the incapacitated captors

Going for it: Goldie even makes a jump from a balcony to a wall which Amy is impressed by

Going for it: Goldie even makes a jump from a balcony to a wall which Amy is impressed by

Hawn hasn't been in a feature film in almost 14 years - since she filmed The Banger Sisters in 2002.

Schumer revealed she had to convince the Overboard star to do a film with her.

'That's a wrap,' Schumer wrote to nearly 5 million followers in August, adding, 'Can't express how grateful I am that @officialgoldiehawn said yes.' 

Snatched is slated to be released on May 11 in the US and will open on May 12 in the United Kingdom.

Reunited: Amy was later joined by Wanda again

Reunited: Amy was later joined by Wanda again

Coming soon: Snatched is slated to be released on May 11 in the US and will open on May 12 in the United Kingdom

Coming soon: Snatched is slated to be released on May 11 in the US and will open on May 12 in the United Kingdom


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