'We are not missing out': Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo enjoy pre-wedding parties on Counting On

Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo threw joint bachelor and bachelorette parties on Monday's episode of Counting On.

Jeremy, 29, and Jinger, 23, invited friends and family to Arkansas a month before their November wedding on TLC's Jill & Jessa Counting On.

But there was no wild partying for the couple who spent time at an escape room, playing golf and making bridal jewelry.

Future bride: Jinger Duggar enjoyed making bridal jewelry as part of her bachelorette festivities on Monday's episode of Counting On

Future bride: Jinger Duggar enjoyed making bridal jewelry as part of her bachelorette festivities on Monday's episode of Counting On

'I think when people typically think of a bachelor party they think of it being mischievous, a last hurrah to do whatever you want,' said Jeremy.

'For me it is completely different, I have no desire to go out on the town and run around. I want to spend good quality time with dear friends and reflect on good memories as I enter this new season in life,' he said.

Jessa then told the cameras that her family does not drink alcohol or dance 'as a personal conviction.'

'Maybe those things would be part of a celebration or party like this but we have tons of fun in other ways - we are not missing out,' she said positively.

Tee time: Jeremy Vuolo celebrated his bachelor weekend playing golf with friends

Tee time: Jeremy Vuolo celebrated his bachelor weekend playing golf with friends

Personal conviction: Jessa Duggar explained that her devout Christian family does not drink alcohol or dance

Personal conviction: Jessa Duggar explained that her devout Christian family does not drink alcohol or dance

Jinger told the cameras that people could find their family 'overwhelming' with Jeremy's friend Luis Robles, a goalkeeper for the New York Red Bulls in MLS, agreeing.

'There are so many names and it took me a while to realize that they all start with a ''J'',' he laughed.

After eating dinner together the group spent time at an Escape Room, which pitted the boys against the girls in a 60-minute challenge.

Good one: Jinger joked that Jeremy's friends had to remember the names of all her siblings

Good one: Jinger joked that Jeremy's friends had to remember the names of all her siblings

Despite their overconfidence the guys failed to complete the task and the girls got further in the challenge, leaving Jeremy impressed.

'The guys team is a pretty strong team. We're going to be pretty fierce competition for the girls,' Jeremy said before the challenge.

But by the end he had changed his tune telling producers his group had done 'less than ideal.'

Escape room: The guys were pitted against the gals in an Escape Room challenge

Escape room: The guys were pitted against the gals in an Escape Room challenge

Women win: Jinger and her all-female team easily beat the guys

Women win: Jinger and her all-female team easily beat the guys

Fell behind: The guys fell behind as the women worked extremely well together

Fell behind: The guys fell behind as the women worked extremely well together

Giving credit: Jeremy gave the women credit for working together as a group

Giving credit: Jeremy gave the women credit for working together as a group

As he watched the girls, Jeremy was impressed at how they worked as a group.

'They're much more calm and focused on one task. They're brilliant.'

Jill and Derick Dillard then spoke about their delight in expecting their second baby boy.

New addition: Derik Dillard and Jill talked about expecting their second baby boy

New addition: Derik Dillard and Jill talked about expecting their second baby boy

'We are so excited about having another son and I know Israel and this little one will be best friends,' Jill told the cameras.

The next day the guys played golf, with Jeremy arriving in a fancy new outfit, including old-fashioned plus fours and a waistcoat.

But the results were not great as most of the guys struggled.

Fancy outfit: Jeremy wore a fancy golf outfit in hopes of improving his game

Fancy outfit: Jeremy wore a fancy golf outfit in hopes of improving his game

Be the ball: The future groom lined up a putt as his pals watched

Be the ball: The future groom lined up a putt as his pals watched

Golf trivia: Derick and Ben struggled when quizzed about golf terminolgoy

Golf trivia: Derick and Ben struggled when quizzed about golf terminolgoy

'I thought this outfit would help my game, but I guess I was wrong. At least I looked good trying though,' laughed Jeremy.

While the guys golfed the girls had a bridal jewelry making session.

'The wedding plans are coming along well at this point but as any bride will tell you there are stressful days and so many decisions that have to be made all at once,' said Jinger.

Stressful days: Jinger talked about the stress leading up to her wedding

Stressful days: Jinger talked about the stress leading up to her wedding

Jinger also discussed her first kiss with Jeremy as her sisters recalled their first marital kisses.

'I am really looking forward to that. I am not nervous about the first kiss I am just excited.

'Jeremy and I have decided it will be a super special moment, just there together, everybody will witness it. It may be a little bit awkward if we miss but hey we are gonna do it anyways,' Jinger said.

First kiss: The bride to be was quizzed about her first kiss with Jeremy

First kiss: The bride to be was quizzed about her first kiss with Jeremy

Michelle Duggar admitted it would be 'a sad but happy day' with Jinger moving to Texas after the wedding.

The show kicked off with six-month pregnant Jessa and Ben finding out the sex of their second baby.

'I am feeling great in this pregnancy. I have a lot more energy now. There have been some differences with this one and my first, I guess everyone is different. I don't know if that has to do with the personality of the kid.'

Group meal: Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar joined the couple and their friends for a meal

Group meal: Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar joined the couple and their friends for a meal

Jessa told Ben she thought it would be a boy while Ben felt it would be a girl.

'The ultrasound is a really exciting time, you know there is a little life going inside but when you get to see the baby for the first time it blows you away, it is a really exciting day,' said Jessa.

After taking the scan and 3D ultrasound Jessa kicked out the camera crew, who had to wait outside as they cheered, as they wanted to keep it a secret from the majority of their family.

Ultrasound test: Jessa learned the sex of her second baby with Ben

Ultrasound test: Jessa learned the sex of her second baby with Ben

Jill and Derick then returned to his alma mater, Oklahoma State University, where he studied and was the Pistol Pete mascot.

Derick spoke about the loss of his father when he was 18 and how he followed in his footsteps as Pistol Pete.

His mother joined them for the emotional Homecoming weekend trip where Derick joined in the annual parade.

On campus: Derick returned to his alma mater Oklahoma State University with his wife, son and mom

On campus: Derick returned to his alma mater Oklahoma State University with his wife, son and mom

'It was really special for me,' said Derick as he strapped on the Pistol Pete costume and met fans.

But little Israel was not sure what to make of Derick inside the costume and did not want to get too close to the giant cowboy.

The family then spent time visiting old haunts and they grew emotional as they went into the dorm where Derick was told his father had died by his mother.

Team mascot: The reality star was unrecognizable in his Pistol Pete costume

Team mascot: The reality star was unrecognizable in his Pistol Pete costume

Late father: Derick learned of his father's death while a student at OSU

Late father: Derick learned of his father's death while a student at OSU

Tough time: His mother recalled coming to campus to deliver the news about his father's death

Tough time: His mother recalled coming to campus to deliver the news about his father's death

'Being back on campus from Homecoming brought back a lot of emotions for me.

'I really enjoyed being there with my mom, since Jill and I got back from Central America it has been really special having my mom around and we do not take any time with her or anybody else for granted,' Derick said.

'I am hopeful about Israel being Pistol Pete one day but we will see,' he added.

Having fun: Jill had fun but her son Israel wasn't sure about Pistol Pete

Having fun: Jill had fun but her son Israel wasn't sure about Pistol Pete

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