Want a share of £1m funding for your small business? UK round opens for international innovation prize

Do you have an innovative, growth-focused business that needs a bit of help to take it to the next level? 

A competition in China is giving away a total of £1million of equity-free capital to the best and brightest manufacturing, technology and science-based entrepreneurs around the world. 

Entries will be shortlisted by experts in their sector, before 20 UK companies are selected to pitch at the national final in March which will take place at crowdfunding platform Seedrs' headquarters in London.

Land of opportunity: Shenzhen is known as the 'Silicon Valley' of China

There are five categories open to entrepreneurs: internet and mobile internet, electronic science and technology, biological/life science and technology, advanced manufacturing, and material and energy (which includes energy saving and environmental protection).

The applications will be scored and reviewed by a team of judges including professional investors and prominent figures from the start-up business community.

The first place winner at the national final, which is being jointly held by Seedrs and venture capital fund Interbridge, will receive £10,000, the second place will get £5,000 and third place £3,000 in each country.

After being whittled down to 10, the entrepreneurs will be flown out on an all expenses paid trip to the city of Shenzhen, known as the 'Silicon Valley' of China. 

There they will compete in the global final of the Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition for a £100,000 cash pot.

The UK finalists will compete against seven other nations - the United States, Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, India and Germany.

Jeff Lynn, co-Founder and chief executive at Seedrs, says: 'Not only is a huge cash injection up for grabs, but IEIC is giving entrepreneurs the opportunity to pitch in front of some of the leading investors and mentors in the early stage arena.

'IEIC is building bridges amongst global startup communities and will be an invaluable experience to ambitious young business founders.'

The competition is supported by China's Ministry of Science and Technology of the PRC, the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and the Shenzhen Government.

Applications for competition are open until the 28th February 2017. Entrepreneurs who want to apply to the London division can do so here

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