Investors abandoned shares and property funds in favour of 'lacklustre' absolute return in 2016 amid global uncertainty

  • Equity funds saw outflows of more than £8billion last year, despite stock markets climbing to record highs
  • A considerable £2billion also flowed out of property as a liquidity crunch hit the asset class
  • Targeted absolute return was the best selling sector despite its lacklustre performance
  • Net retail fund sales fell by more than 70% between 2015 and 2016 

Nervous investors piled into absolute return and fixed income funds in 2016 as rocky global events caused them to shy away from 'risky' equity funds.

Funds invested in shares suffered outflows of £8.2billion last year, despite being the best selling asset class of 2015. Every regional equity sector saw outflows - with UK equity losing £4.9billion over the course of the year. Only global equities saw inflows, potentially as investors looked to diversify their risk.

Retail property funds also had a difficult year after many were compelled to suspend trading as the Brexit vote prompted a liquidity crunch. Overall, the asset class saw outflows of £2billion.

Liquidity crunch: Some property funds briefly suspended trading while they tried to raise cash

Liquidity crunch: Some property funds briefly suspended trading while they tried to raise cash

Instead, the big winner was targeted absolute return with inflows of £5.1billion, making it the best selling sector of the year. 

As the name suggests, targeted absolute return funds aim to deliver a positive return in any market condition, while fixed income funds tend to be lower risk than equities, although they also offer less of an upside.

However, 2016 saw equity markets 'climb the wall of worry' to scale new highs, while targeted absolute return funds were the worst performing of any Investment Association fund sector, with an average rise of just 0.97 per cent. 

Fixed income as a whole was also favoured by investors, with net retail sales of £3.8billion - after seeing outflows of £2.1billion in 2015. But sales of retail investment funds slumped by 72 per cent on 2015 figures, falling from £16.8billion to £4.7billion, the figures from the Investment Association show. 

Last year was dominated by the events surrounding the referendum in the UK and election in the US and it seems many investors were looking to dial down risk as they were fearful of a sharp drop in the market. 

Net retail fund sales in 2016
2016 rankingAsset class  2016 net retail sales2015 ranking 2015 net retail sales 
1Other  £6bn£4.1bn 
Fixed Income £3.8bn -£2.1bn 
Mixed Asset £2.6bn £3.7bn 
Money Market £2.4bn £704m
Property -£2bn £2.7bn 
Equity -£8.2bbn £7.8bn 
Figures: The Investment Association    

Adrian Lowcock, investment director at Architas said: 'The terrible start to 2016 in equity markets caught investors by surprise. While the outlook improved throughout the year equity markets were largely driven by the big macro events including Brexit and the US presidential election. With this backdrop investors clearly chose to go defensive through targeted absolute return funds and money market funds.'

However, many investors were wrong footed. 

'On both occasions the results surprised, but what surprised more was the reaction of stock markets,' said Lowcock. 'With Brexit, the pound fell as expected but after a short fall stock markets recovered strongly. With Donald Trump's election, any sell-off was even shorter.' 

Mark Dampier, head of investment research at Hargreaves Lansdown, agreed, suggesting 'the targeted absolute return sector is popular as it is being used as a bond substitute, while the rise in money market funds illustrates how fearful investors have become despite rock bottom interest rates'.

He pointed out the strong showing of passive funds - which track the movement of the market - over the past year.

'Trackers continue to make headway, partly because their performance reflects the very traditional asset allocation that so many active managers have rejected over the past few years. In other words, where active managers have become cautious far too early the result has been that over the period, passive performance has often been much better,' he added.

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