MAN GLG JAPAN COREALPHA: Forget New's York that's attracting the yen  

York is famous for its Minster and the National Railway Museum. But a small investment team is beginning to gain the city something of a reputation for managing Japanese funds rather effectively.

Step forward Stephen Harker, who nine years ago decided to relocate to York after working in London for nearly 30 years. 

But not before he persuaded his employer to agree to him running investments from his new home.

Facts at a glance: MAN GLG JAPAN COREALPHA

Today, Harker has been joined by five other staff in York who help him manage Japanese assets worth £5.5billion for investment house MAN GLG. Four others support what they are doing from the company’s London base.

‘Seventy five Japanese firms came to see us last year in York,’ says Harker. ‘Rather than coming to London and then travelling to Edinburgh and Dublin to see other investment managers, they now jump off the London to Edinburgh train at York and see us as well.’

Certainly, working from York has not harmed the team’s investment performance. Its flagship fund, MAN GLG Japan CoreAlpha, is one of the best performing Japanese funds over the past five years, with a return of 102 per cent. 

The average rival fund has delivered 86 per cent. Harker, whose CV includes spells at investment houses Prudential, Trust Company of the West and Societe Generale, where he worked with ‘superwoman’ fund boss Nicola Horlick, has run Japanese funds for 33 years.

Through thick and thin, he has never changed his approach – a style applied to all of the £5.5billion under his team’s wing.

He explains: ‘It is an idiosyncratic investment style. It is about being a contrarian and doing the opposite to everybody else. 

Stephen Harker manages £5.5 billion of assets from York after leaving London

'It is akin to running a recovery investment fund, buying shares that everybody else hates in the expectation that at some stage they will come good again.’

By buying shares when the price is close to rock bottom, Harker says he is able to keep a cap on losses when investments turn bad while being handsomely rewarded when a holding’s fortunes took a turn for the better.

‘Sometimes we buy too early and dispose of shares when there is more gain to be made,’ he adds. ‘But if we are crystallising profits, we’ve done our job.’

Since the fund launched 11 years ago, 126 companies have been bought, sometimes more than once. Harker says 58 have proved ‘winners’, while five have turned out to be duds, resulting in them being catapulted out of the fund.

‘It’s a bit like a round of golf,’ he says. ‘What you are trying to do all the time is avoid the double bogeys.’

The fund is focused on Japan’s biggest listed companies, with 80 per cent of the 47-strong portfolio among the country’s top 100 by market value. Key holdings include some of Japan’s most famous firms such as car maker Toyota and camera maker Canon.

Harker, who turned 63 last week, is assisted in running Japan CoreAlpha and other Japanese funds (for international investors and corporate clients) by three other York-based managers. 

They are wired into Harker’s approach, making succession when he hangs up his boots a non-issue.

‘Investors like what they get with Japan CoreAlpha,’ he says. ‘The investment style is defined and tried and tested. 

'The fund is always fully invested and exposed to the vagaries of the yen. Investors know what they are buying into. It has proved successful for the past 33 years and there is no reason why it can’t keep working.’

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