A lender that's OPENING branches and using your money to help local firms... So would you invest in Folk-2-Folk for 6.5% interest?

How would you feel if you could get an interest rate of up to 6.5 per cent on your savings, and help businesses in your community to prosper at the same time?

That is the premise behind Folk2Folk, a Cornwall-based peer-to-peer firm that gives investors the option to back local firms with their cash.

In its modern form, peer-to-peer lending has been around for a little over a decade. It seeks to challenge the big banks' model and give investors the chance to connect with borrowers for a better return, but does not carry the protection a traditional savings account brings.

Helping hand: Folk2Folk offers lenders a chance to back local businesses

Peer-to-peer lenders cut out the heavy costs the big bank carry, offering a platform to match borrowers and lenders, in a bid to give investors a better return on their cash and borrowers a lower interest rate.

But it's important to remember that despite peer-to-peer being eligible for the innovative finance Isa, it is a form of investing, not saving, so you could lose all or some of your money and it is not protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme if the firm goes bust (more details below).

Peer-to-peer platforms come in many different guises and some like Folk2Folk try to appeal to those who want to target where there money goes.

What does Folk2Folk offer? 

Folk2Follk was founded in 2013 by Mark Parnall and Louis Mathers, the owners of local law firm Parnalls in Lauceston.

Tim Sawyer, the chief executive of the Government-backed start-up loans company is its chairman, and Jane Dumeresque, an established board director with over 25 years experience in financial services, is its chief executive.

Almost every other peer-to-peer firm is online only, but Folk2Folk is slightly unusual in that it has high street branches. Currently these are just in the West Country, but the firm is set to open a branch in Harrogate in February 2017, with others planned around the country.

Folk2Folk is also authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority. This is a good sign as it means that they have met a strict set of lending criteria and will be allowed to provide an innovative finance Isa in the future, meaning investors can earn interest tax-free on up to £15,240 in the tax year 2016/17.

Some peer-to-peer lenders let you invest with as little as £10 but Folk2Folk currently has a minimum investment level of £25,000 - this means the type of investors it would be suitable for are more likely to be reasonably wealthy.

All of its loans are backed by property, which can be repossessed and sold by Folk2Folk if a borrower were to default, helping creditors to recover at least part of the loan.

A flexible approach to choosing your investment 

Customers have the option of 'greenlight lending' - having their money automatically allocated to the next loan that comes up - or they can pick specifically who they want to lend to by looking at the opportunities listed on the website. 

They can also choose whether to lend to one borrower or several.

They also have to choose between two types of loan, although both are backed by property. One option is a fixed-term loan of either one or two years, with a maximum loan-to-value ratio of 50 per cent on the property that is being put up by the lender, for 5.5 per cent interest in return.

Or they can earn 6.5 per cent on fixed-term or 'easy in/easy out' loans with a maximum loan-to-value ratio of 60 per cent. 

The rate is higher because the loans made are equivalent to a bigger proportion of the value of the property, making them slightly higher risk - and the easy in/out means the lender or borrower can withdraw from the deal if they give three months notice.

Borrowers can apply for a loan of between £25,000 and £5million and generally get a decision within 48 hours. The funds are usually lent within seven to 10 days from when the borrower makes their application - but they have to own property or land in order to secure the loan.

Their repayment rate is between 5.5 and 6.5 per cent of the value of the loan - the same as the interest rate that lenders can earn.

Folk2Folk makes their money charging the borrower a one-off 2 per cent arrangement fee and an annual 1 per cent ongoing fee paid monthly over the course of the year.

How risky is peer-to-peer lending? 

Peer-to-peer companies are still considered relatively niche among borrowers and lenders. They have some valid plus points: they can offer far superior returns to money left in a bank account - up to 7 or 8 per cent instead of the 1 per cent offered by the typical savings account.

They also offer a tangible chance to help real individuals and businesses - as the name suggests, you are lending your peers the cash they need, whether that's to start a business or buy a car.

However, peer-to-peer lending is a type of investment - meaning you could lose some or all of your money. 

What's more, it's a relatively new form of lending so these businesses haven't yet been in an environment where they have been seriously put to the test, such as a major recession.  

This is not a savings account covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, meaning that - unlike entrusting your money to a qualifying bank - the Government will not reimburse you for any of your capital if the firm goes bust.

'I borrowed through p2p to buy a swimming pool for my classes'

Small business owner Laura Morrish used peer-to-peer borrowing to fund the development of a new pool for her swimming academy.

Booming business: Laura and her team

Going swimmingly: The finished product

After 15 years running swimming pools that provided classes for children, babies and adults, Laura was forced to find alternative premises due to outgrowing her existing pool.

Having found a plot of land and gaining planning permission she then needed the funding to build the facility. But despite her long track record, Devon-based Aqua Stars Academy of Swimming struggled to find funding through the traditional methods.

Laura says: 'I spoke to four banks that all turned me down despite me owning the land and having 15 years' experience running my business. They all wanted me to show detailed forecasts and revenue projections despite my extensive business plans and client list that I had to put on hold.'

She was able to borrow £250,000 from Folk2Folk to begin building the pool, and another £200,000 to finish the pool, café, kitchen and other bits of pool machinery such as the bio-mass boiler.

The pool opened in September 2015 and today it is fully booked, helping 900 children a week plus local schools to learn to swim. Laura has also been able to hire more staff, including a full-time chef, three full-time staff as well and five part-time staff for roles such as lifeguards.

The business is also used by 12 local schools, adult aqua Zumba classes as well as a community meeting place for young families that use the pool for baby swimming lessons.

Laura is keen to open the pool up to the public in the future and has plans to expand by building a farm shop, play areas inside and outside and further landscaping the grounds.


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