MIDAS SHARE TIPS: The biggest winners and losers from 2016 - and the firms that were taken over

The past 12 months have been among the most eventful in recent history. The UK voted, unexpectedly, to leave the EU and America voted, unexpectedly, for Donald Trump to be its next President.

Ahead of these events, stock market analysts and economists predicted that shares would tumble if these outcomes became reality. In many cases, they have been wrong-footed.

The FTSE 100 Index of Britain’s largest quoted companies has risen more than 15 per cent to 7,011 rallying in particular since the Brexit vote in June.

In the frame: Lavendon provides equipment that enables safe working at height, such as when filming the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

Sterling has slumped in the past six months and the Footsie includes many firms with huge overseas operations, which derive considerable benefit from the pound’s current weakness. 

An ailing currency has also made UK companies much cheaper for overseas buyers, prompting a round of foreign takeover bids.

However, many domestically focused firms have come under stock market attack. 

Housebuilders have been hit hard by fears that an economic slowdown next year could affect demand, especially for more expensive homes. Companies that suffer from a strong dollar, such as importers of goods denominated in the US currency, have also lost value.

Meanwhile, American shares are roaring ahead on hopes that Trump will boost infrastructure spending, cut corporation tax and relax regulation.

British stocks with exposure to the US, especially those involved in construction, have surged in sync with their American cousins.

Despite this year’s political upheavals, Midas has had a strong 2016. A couple of stocks have been battered by macro-economic conditions, but most have forged ahead.


Our top independent performer is Somero Enterprises, which makes machines used by builders to ensure that concrete floors are absolutely flat. 

Recommended in January at 135½p, the stock has risen more than 70 per cent to 228p, bolstered by hopes of a construction boom in the US.

Somero is listed in London but about 75 per cent of its revenues come from America. Not only does it benefit from an increase in building activity across the Atlantic, but the stronger dollar means its profits – and dividends – look even higher when they are converted into pounds.

The company is forging ahead in Europe too, as economic recovery picks up and construction activity improves.

Somero is also moving into China, where the opportunities for growth are huge. In developed markets, construction firms already recognise the need for Somero’s cutting-edge kit. It creates better quality buildings that look more attractive, function more effectively and require less maintenance.

In China, customers often need some education about the advantages of using its machines, so the sales process is relatively slow. However, progress is being made and expectations are high, as China uses more than half of the world’s concrete.

Analysts expect profits of about $21 million (£16.8 million) for 2016, up 13 per cent from last year. A dividend of about 6p is expected, compared with 5.3p last year, and further growth is forecast for 2017.

Somero’s list of customers inspires confidence too, including Amazon, DHL and Wal-Mart, as well as Tesco, Land Rover, Volvo and Sony.

Midas verdict: Somero has delivered a strong performance this year. It is ambitious for the future and is expected to benefit from Trump’s infrastructure agenda. But the past few months have highlighted that nothing is predictable.

Cautious investors would be wise to sell between 30 per cent and 50 per cent of their stock and bank some profit now, while the going is good.

Elegant Hotels in Barbados have fared less well - its shares were 115p last January, while today they are 80½p


Unfortunately, there have been some losers among this year’s recommendations, including Elegant Hotels, one of our top tips for 2016. Elegant shares were 115p last January. Today they are 80½p.

The company owns six luxury hotels in Barbados and 70 per cent of sales come from UK customers. In the run-up to the Brexit referendum – and immediately afterwards – consumer confidence wobbled and costly trips to the Caribbean seemed like an expense too far for many holidaymakers. 

A weak pound made those holidays even pricier and there were even concerns about the Zika virus, although few cases were reported in Barbados.

The group gave two warnings, first admitting that sales would be down for the year to September 2016 and then revealing that revenues would barely change this year either. Predictably, the stock sank.

However, there are some encouraging signs on the horizon, particularly the appearance of serial entrepreneur Luke Johnson on the share register. Johnson bought a 10 per cent stake on October 28 and another 2.5 per cent last week. Johnson is known as an astute investor and he is joined on the register by insurer Legal & General and stockbroker Hargreave Hale, which have been buying stock recently.

The company has also said it will pay a 7p dividend for the year ending September 30, putting the shares on a yield of more than 9 per cent. Reassuringly, the group owns its hotels, which are valued at more than 184p a share.

Midas verdict: Elegant Hotels has had a deeply disappointing year, but there is a new finance director and the growth strategy remains in place. Now is not the time to sell. In fact, today’s low price could even represent a buying opportunity.

Traded on: AIM Ticker: EHG Contact: eleganthotelsgroup.com or +1 246 432 6500


 Two companies tipped by Midas this year have been taken over and a third is in the throes of a full-pitched bidding war.

Equipment hire specialist Lavendon, recommended in April at 133¼p, has had a rollercoaster few weeks. 

The company rents out kit that enables users to work safely at height, including during the installation of the Christmas lights in London’s Regent Street and the filming of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.

High flier: China’s building boom has big opportunities for Somero, which makes machines for levelling concrete

On November 22, Belgian rival TVH mounted a 205p-a-share cash bid for Lavendon. 

French competitor Loxam entered the fray just a few days later and last week mounted a recommended 220p-a-share offer. TVH retaliated with a 230p counter-bid and on Friday, Loxam raised its bid to 250p a share.

That is 88 per cent higher than the shares were in April, but the stock market sent them even further ahead, to 260p, suggesting there could be even more mileage in this battle.

In late November, most observers, including Midas, believed TVH was the only bidder in town. But we were wrong.

Lavendon is clearly a prize worth fighting for and this has become a fierce battle for possession. Loxam and TVH have also benefited from sterling’s weakness, which makes the British firm much cheaper for Continental buyers than it was before the Brexit vote. Whatever happens, investors will be the winners in this tussle.


In February, Midas recommended shares in Constellation Healthcare Technologies, when they were 148p. The group, run by Indian-born entrepreneur Paul Parmar, helps doctors in America to process patients’ medical bills more efficiently.

Parmar floated the firm in December 2014 at 135p, but investors were less enthusiastic about its prospects than he was. Now he is taking the business private again, in a deal valuing each share at 270p. As Constellation and Parmar are US-based his take-private deal was considerably cheaper because the dollar has strengthened by about 15 per cent since June.

Fortunately, the takeover was extremely lucrative for Midas investors, too, as the value of their holdings have risen 82 per cent in nine months.

Employment specialist Penna was also recommended in February at 338½p. It accepted a 365p-a-share offer from the world’s biggest recruitment firm, Adecco, just four weeks later.

The transaction had nothing to do with Brexit, but Midas investors made a decent return on their money. 

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