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Rohit Kumar


Rohit Kumar is an educator who conducts community-building workshops for high school students and teachers. His mission is to increase the Emotional Quotient of his audiences and to end bullying in classrooms. Rohit has more than two decades of experience conducting high-impact personal development workshops and training seminars across domains. He is also a certified MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) administrator and finds psychometrics fascinating, Rohit is also deeply concerned about underprivileged children in India and conducts unique social development programmes for marginalized children.
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Yakub Memon And A Debate Left Hanging

What made the Yakub Memon case fascinating was the intense debate it generated. News channels, newspapers and social media were abuzz with news reports and discussions on the subject, prior to the hanging. Unfortunately, after the execution, it did not take more than a week for the issue to disappear from news-hour debates and social media…
09/08/2016 12:41 PM IST