Donald Trump Cartoons Including Der Spiegel Front Cover Spark Controversy

From the thought-provoking to the outright shocking.

06/02/2017 8:59 PM IST | Updated 8 hours ago
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A front page cartoon of a snarling Donald Trump holding a bloody knife and the severed head of Lady Liberty has caused controversy, even amidst a plethora of other startling depictions of the new US president.

The image, featured on the front of Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine, was accompanied by the words “America First”, referencing Trump’s inauguration speech.

The cartoon divided opinions, with some labelling it “tasteless”...

Although others praised the publication for its depiction of the billionaire businessman...

Cartoonist Edel Rodriguez told the Washington Post his image represented “the beheading of democracy”.

The artist is himself a political refugee who travelled to the US from Cuba in 1980.

The president has been critical of German chancellor Angela Merkel and her policies, causing relations between the countries to become frosty.

Trump’s rise to power has provided plenty of opportunities for artists to critique him

Der Spiegel’s front page is not the only cartoon to use the Statue of Liberty...

As well as some other startling pieces of artwork...

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