Pornhub Wants To Educate People About Romance, Sex And Consent

*Raised eyebrows*

06/02/2017 11:48 AM IST | Updated 06/02/2017 1:15 PM IST
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Ethan Miller via Getty Images

Sex education has always been a contentious issue in India. In 2014, former Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Dr Harsh Vardhan, faced severe criticism for proposing that Delhi schools should ban "so-called sex education" and make yoga compulsory instead. Schools around the country have also often been locked in a battle with parents who consider the idea vulgar.

In a surprise move, one of the world's most popular porn sites has come to the rescue to fill in this educational gap.

It is a free online resource with information on STDs, sexual anatomy, relationship advice, online dating, sex tech, birth control, reproduction and, thankfully, consent.

Pornhub, with over 70 million daily users, is one of the key players in the global adult entertainment business. And now, in addition to all the visual stimulation on offer, the company has launched a sex education platform to help provide credible, fact-based information to its users.

The Pornhub Sexual Wellness Center is a free online resource that will offer information on a gamut of topics such as sexually transmitted diseases, sexual anatomy, relationship advice, online dating, sex tech, birth control, reproduction and, thankfully, the concept of consent.

The adult entertainment industry is the major reason for skewed perceptions about sex and its healthy expression among young people.

The platform will be helmed by Dr Laurie Betito, a world-renowned clinical psychologist specialising in sexuality, and her team of therapists and doctors. In the promo video, Dr Betito says that her goal is to create a platform where "information pertaining to the physical, psychological, and even the most intimate aspects of sex is available to all."

The irony is inescapable, considering that the adult entertainment industry is the major reason for skewed perceptions about sex and its healthy expression among young people.

Even so, parents who want their kids to be accurately informed but can't bring themselves to have the where-do-babies-come-from conversation can now breathe a little easy. Who would've thought that there would come a day when parents would want their sexually curious kids to visit a porn site?!

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