9 Beauty Treatments So Weird, Just Reading About Them Will Make You Wince

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06/02/2017 4:04 PM IST | Updated 07/02/2017 11:49 AM IST
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Tara Moore

Women, and increasingly, men, are willing to go to great lengths to look good. But there is weird and then there's just plain ludicrous. Here are 9 beauty 'treatments' that will make you wince with pain just reading about them.

Michaela Rehle / Reuters

1. Beauty matching
Couples massages, spas and therapy is for the meek, the newest in togetherness is couples going in for cosmetic surgery together to "complement" each other's looks. It's a big trend in the UAE, but in 2015, a UK couple was in the news for spending £200k of their parents' money on a shared 15 cosmetic surgeries to look like their "idols" Barbie and Ken.

Nexsey / Youtube

2. Neck tape
If you're running out of body parts to be ashamed of and/or need to be anti-aged, don't worry, body-shaming is a gift that keeps on giving. The newest 'fix' for biology is Nexsey, a medical-grade tape to literally tape the skin of your neck to make it look younger and wrinkle-free, at least temporarily. In case that sounds too complicated, the site offers you an 8-step guide on how to subject your neck to unnecessary torture, with an additional three useless tips thrown in for good measure.

3. Hello Kitty contact lenses
This is an actual thing in Japan. A BIG thing. There exist people who would risk serious eye infection and possibly permanent damage to put unapproved, unprescribed kitty-patterned lenses in their eyes.

Brian Snyder / Reuters

4. Leech treatment
It might be an ancient medical treatment, but allowing leeches to suck your blood in the name of detoxifying and looking younger is where most people would draw the line. Apparently, while sucking your blood, leeches release enzymes that remove toxins from the blood. Demi Moore, of the £220k head-to-toe (surgical) makeover fame, swears that the treatment worked wonders for her. A variation of this is using the blood sucked out of the leeches as a face mask. Beauty might hurt, but this much?

Tonight on Kourtney & Kim Take Miami!!! #VampireFacial #kktm

A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on

5. Vampire facials
Close on the heels of leech treatment is the vampire facial, made popular by none other than Kim Kardashian. Blood is extracted from your arm and spun in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the liquid. Platelets are then removed from the plasma and injected into your face. This is supposed to boost skin elasticity and prevent wrinkles.

Danny Moloshok / Reuters

6. Placenta facials
And here's a triple whammy for bloodbaths doubling up as beauty treatments. This one has Jennifer Lopez and Victoria Beckham's approval. A protein that is found in sheep placenta is injected in the skin to stimulate its natural collagen production and slow down ageing.

The hangover went high-fashion, with New York Fashion Week embracing the post-drinking under-eye bags and sickly pallor with a passion.

7. The hangover look
Yep, people are actually paying to look shit-faced. Looking pale and puffy-eyed has been all the rage among women in Japan and Korea for a while because they believe looking hungover implies they are young and wild. Then last year, the hangover went high-fashion, with New York Fashion Week embracing the post-drinking under-eye bags and sickly pallor with a passion. It's now officially okay to go to bed at night without taking off your makeup and look like something the cat dragged in the next day.

Neil Hall / Reuters

8. Bee venom facials
The ladies of the royal family of Britain swear by bee venom, having found fans in both Camilla Parker and Kate Middleton. Bee venom is considered the non-invasive alternative to botox, where the venom tricks the skin into thinking it has been stung, making it look plump, young and firm.

The Celestial Black Diamond Cream contains the extremely rare black diamond powder found only in parts of Brazil and central Africa.

9. Celestial space cream
Forget aliens, we've managed to find skin regeneration ingredients in space. A London-based plastic surgeon has developed the Celestial Black Diamond Cream, which contains the extremely rare black diamond powder found only in parts of Brazil and central Africa. The story is that it was formed when a meteorite hit the earth billions of years ago. Naturally, the back story has to be this compelling to be able to justify the whopping $1,095 price tag for a 50ml jar. After all, no price is too much to pay for out-of-this-world skin.

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