NUS Calls On Students To Walk Out Of University In Protest Of Donald Trump's 'Racist Agenda'

Thousands are set to take part in the national day of action.

07/02/2017 16:47

The NUS is calling on thousands of students to walk out of university to protest the British government’s “complicity” with Donald Trump’s “racist agenda”. 

The union is encouraging students to down tools in solidarity with migrants following Theresa May’s decision to invite Trump for a state visit despite the president’s “toxic” travel ban. 

NUS international students’ officer Mostafa Rajaai said: “It has become more important than ever before for us to unite in showing opposition to racism, xenophobia and hatred and to stand in solidarity with all those who have been feeling the brunt of state-sponsored racism across the UK and beyond.” 

SAUL LOEB via Getty Images
The NUS is calling on students to walk out of university in protest of Donald Trump's state visit 

The NUS is asking students to take part in One Day Without Us, a national day of action to celebrate the contribution migrants make to the UK. 

It is due to take place on February 20 as Parliament debates the president’s state visit to the UK.

Last month, Trump signed an executive order banning citizens from seven mostly Muslim countries from entering the US. A federal judge has since blocked the ban. 

Thousands of workers and students across the country are set to take part in the protest campaign. International students account for around 20% of the UK student population.  

“We have been seeing the debate around immigration taking a nasty and divisive turn over the years,” Rajaai added.  

Thousands of people are set to take part in the national day of action

“Many who have held anti-immigrant views for some time, now feel emboldened to display their hateful position in full force.” 

Organiser Matt Carr told the Guardian the event gives migrants the opportunity to express themselves in a “bold and powerful statement”.

“Since Brexit we have seen levels of xenophobia and racism that have been increasingly legitimised,” he said. 

As well as a walk-out, campaigners are planning to wear badges and lanyards to work and to hold parties celebrating their friends and workmates that moved to the UK from overseas. 

“We want to make this an inclusive event,’’ Carr said. “We realise that because of the legal constraints on striking, many workers will not be able to take formal strike action.”

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