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6079_Smith_W commented on:
The Fascist style
epaulo13 commented on:
Kinder Morgan Pipleline Project
kropotkin1951 commented on:
Nafta Renog...tariffs help whom?

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the views expressed's picture
As burned bridges pile up, Trudeau's re-election may already be out of reach | Feb 9 2017 | Greg Squires | Trudeau's about-face on electoral reform and massive deficits will likely cost him the soft conservative and left vote that delivered a majority in 2015.
gengler's picture
Capitalism and racism grew up together | Feb 9 2017 | Gary Engler | As long as there have been battles over resources people have objectified and demeaned the “other” but racism was invented to serve the economic interests of European capitalists.
djclimenhaga's picture
Brian Jean makes it clear, any new Alberta conservative party will be the Wildrose Party | Feb 9 2017 | David J. Climenhaga | If unification of the right happens, it will be under the Wildrose structure, says Opposition Leader Brian Jean, and he will be a candidate to lead it.
David Suzuki's picture
Understanding climate change means reading beyond headlines | Feb 8 2017 | David Suzuki | Trying to communicate complex ideas and distill entire studies into eye-catching headlines and brief stories can open the door to misinformation and limited understanding.
Dec 6 2016
"Notes from a Feminist Killjoy" is an answer to what is needed now -- a self-consciously contingent rejoinder to the question of "who needs feminism?"
Oct 27 2016
In "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" sociologist Matthew Desmond offers a critical examination of urban poverty and homelessness told through the stories of eight families.
Sep 15 2016
New collection "In This Together: Fifteen Stories of Truth and Reconciliation" describes what reconciliation can mean to the individual. But are words enough? Our reviewer says it's time for action.

Current rabble poll

How does Canada move forward after the Quebec mosque attack?

On Sunday evening, Canadians saw their national myths of tolerance, multiculturalism and liberalism shattered when a young man enamoured with Donald Trump and white nationalism murdered six people in a Quebec mosque.

As the victims and their family mourn and the rest of the country recovers from the shock, many have pointed out that this event did not occur in isolation. Canadian Conservatives have been stoking the fires of Islamophobia for years. The RCMP have been busy entrapping Muslim youth instead of keeping us safe from xenophobia. And there are over 100 right-wing extremist groups operating in Canada right now.

It is important to hold those implicated in this tragedy to account, but what changes do we have to make -- urgently -- to ensure this kind of attack doesn't happen in Canada again?

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