
Brief of evidence against Cardinal George Pell returned to prosecutors

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A brief of evidence compiled by detectives investigating claims of sexual abuse made against Cardinal George Pell has been returned to prosecutors for review.

Victoria Police confirmed on Monday that a brief of evidence against Cardinal Pell had been returned to the Office of Public Prosecutions for consideration.

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Horrific number of paedophile priests revealed

The Royal Commission reveals seven per cent of all priests are accused of molesting children between 1980 to 2010.

The development in the case against the Cardinal comes after three detectives from the Sano Taskforce flew to Rome to interview him in October.

On Monday, police spokeswoman Leonie Johnson said: "Investigators have delivered the brief to the Department of Public Prosecutions for consideration."

There is no suggestion Cardinal Pell is guilty of the allegations, only that they are being investigated.

The development in the case came as world-first data released by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse showed Victoria was home to the highest number of alleged paedophile priests in the country over six decades, between 1950 and 2010.


The Diocese of Sale, which takes in Victoria's east and south-east, harboured the highest number of alleged paedophile priests.

The commission found 15.1 per cent of priests in the Diocese of Sale were alleged perpetrators of abuse over the 60-year period.

Almost one in five priests working in Sale in the 1970s were subject to an allegation of sexual abuse at some point during the term of their ministry.

Sale was followed by the Diocese of Sandhurst, where 14.7 per cent of priests were alleged perpetrators. The diocese covers the state's central and north-east districts, including Bendigo.

The Diocese of Ballarat, where 8.7 per cent of priests were alleged abusers, was the seventh-worst in the country.

Some of Australia's most notorious abusers, including Gerald Ridsdale​, Robert Best and Edward Dowlan​, were part of a paedophile ring operating in and around Ballarat during the 1960 and '70s.

In the Archdiocese of Melbourne, 8.1 per cent of priests were accused of abuse.


On Monday, the royal commission heard that almost 4500 claims of child sexual abuse had been made against Catholic institutions over 35 years, from 1980 to 2015.

Ninety per cent of 1880 identified alleged perpetrators were male, the royal commission heard.

The average age of male victims was 11, while the average age of female victims was 10. The data shows it took an average of 33 years for victims to come forward. 

The release is the first time in the world Catholic Church records on child sex abuse have been analysed for public consideration.

Seven per cent of priests who were members of 75 surveyed Catholic authorities between 1950 and 2010 were alleged offenders.

Of the alleged abusers from other religious orders, 40.4 per cent were members of the St John of God Brothers.

Francis Sullivan, chief executive of the Catholic Church's Truth, Justice and Healing Council, held back tears as he told the royal commission on Monday the numbers could only be interpreted as a "massive failure on the part of the Catholic Church in Australia".

"These numbers are shocking. They are tragic and they are indefensible," he said.

"As Catholics we hang our heads in shame."

The royal commission chair has made 309 referrals to police in relation to Catholic Church child sexual abuse allegations.

However, just 27 of those referrals have resulted in prosecutions. Another 75 are under investigation, while the status of 66 others remains "pending". Almost 50 per cent are unaccounted for. 

The royal commission will spend the next three weeks examining allegations of child sexual abuse within Catholic institutions at a public inquiry to hear from more than 70 witnesses, including five archbishops.

Counsel assisting Gail Furness, SC, described the testimony of survivors as "harrowing".

"The accounts were depressingly familiar," she said.

"Children were ignored or worse, punished.

"Secrecy prevailed, as did cover-ups.

"Many children suffered and continue as adults to suffer from their experiences in some Catholic institutions."