

  1. Trump vs 100

    See why more than 100 companies have spoken out against Donald Trump's executive order.

  2. Australia's need to fight

    As Donald Trump's protectionist policies continue to ratchet up global nerves, the Australian Government is being urged to seek trade deals that don't rely on the US.

  3. Dodd-Frank Act explained

    Donald Trump makes financial deregulation an early priority of his presidency, but what does the Dodd-Frank Act do and what changes are likely to happen to US banking?

  4. US automation threat

    Donald Trump has been the champion of two platforms — the working class and his friend big business — but soon he will have to choose.

  5. Blow for small business

    The loss of a major retailer in small town can devastate the local businesses that rely on the foot traffic it attracts.

  6. Reporting season calendar

    Find out when Australia's major companies are releasing their earnings results this month, and how the companies that have reported performed.

ASX Quotes

Table showing ASX index quotes for today (as of Tue Feb 07 2017 16:11:30 GMT+1100 (AEDT))
Index Opening Closing Change
5665.40 5672.60 0.1%
5615.60 5621.90 0.1%
2029.90 2023.30 -0.3%
9054.80 9035.10 -0.2%
6436.90 6399.30 -0.6%
20738.50 20820.60 0.4%
774.30 773.40 -0.1%
10075.90 10168.70 0.9%
4947.70 5053.60 2.1%
8838.80 8879.80 0.5%
1788.10 1763.70 -1.4%
7951.40 8039.00 1.1%
2325.00 2331.70 0.3%

Last updated

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