'We leave them so dogs eat them': ISIS terrorists are left to rot alongside their suicide belts on the streets of Mosul as Iraqi army tries to stamp out any support for jihadists 

  • ISIS has been driven out of eastern Mosul but suicide bombers' bodies remain
  •  Iraqi Army is deliberately leaving the bodies to rot in the street as a message

The fly-blown corpses of ISIS militants have been left to rot on a main street in Mosul as the Iraqi Army leave them as a grisly warning to others.

The bodies have lain there for two weeks and the Iraqi army says it has no intention of burying the jihadists and wants as many people as possible to get a good look at their grossly blackened and bodies, distorted by bombs and bullets.

As Iraqi forces prepare to expand their offensive against Islamic State from east to west Mosul, they want to stamp out any sympathy that residents may have for the group, which seized the city in 2014.

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When ISIS was in charge of Mosul they maintained a brutal rule, so there is little sympathy for them as their bodies slowly decompose in the street

When ISIS was in charge of Mosul they maintained a brutal rule, so there is little sympathy for them as their bodies slowly decompose in the street

'We will leave the terrorists there,' said Ibrahim Mohamed, a soldier who was standing near three dead jihadists, ignoring the stench.

His cousin, a policeman, suffered death by electrocution at the hands of the jihadists, who are fighting a rearguard battle to retain a foothold on the city.

'The message is clear to Iraqis, to keep them from joining or supporting Daesh (ISIS). This will be your fate. The Iraqi army will finish you off,' he said.

A man on the back of a motorbike snatches a glance at one of the corpses in north Mosul

A man on the back of a motorbike snatches a glance at one of the corpses in north Mosul

One of the militants died with his suicide bomber's belt and detonation pin still in place.

The Iraqi army has come a long way since it collapsed in the face of ISIS's lightning advance into northern Iraq. 

After retaking half of Mosul in three months of fighting, Iraqi forces are poised to enter the western side of the city.

Victory there would mean the end of ISIS's self-proclaimed caliphate, though Iraqi officials expect the group to fight on as insurgents in Iraq and inspire attacks in the West. 

Iraqi soldiers view the ISIS militants as terrorists, rather than soldiers 

Iraqi soldiers view the ISIS militants as terrorists, rather than soldiers 

The corpses are left on view as a psychological weapon to deter ISIS sleeper cells, which Iraqi officials say are highly effective and distributed across the country.

ISIS executed thousands of Iraqi soldiers and policemen in cold blood and their comrades are eager for revenge.

Soldier Asaad Hussein said: 'We leave them in the street like that so the dogs eat them. We also want the citizens to know there is a price for supporting terrorists.'

Mosul is overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim and there have been accusations that the Shi'ite-led government in Baghdad had encouraged widespread abuses by the army, something they deny.

ISIS exploited the resentment but lost popularity when it imposed its radical version of Islam and shot or beheaded anyone deemed an enemy.

The stench of death is overpowering but nobody is keen to bury the bodies

The stench of death is overpowering but nobody is keen to bury the bodies

Youssef Salim, a labourer who walks past the rotting bodies every day, said he had no sympathy for the militants and did not want their bodies to be moved, let alone given a proper Muslim burial.

He recalled the brutality of ISIS/Daesh: 'Do you know what smoking one, just one cigarette meant? Twenty-five lashes in a public square where people were forced to watch you suffer.

'If your beard length did not meet their requirements, that was a month in jail and 100 lashes in public.' 

Although ISIS has been kicked out of eastern Mosul people are still fearful.

Two men approached a soldier to complain about suspicious wires at the factory where they work.

Minutes later soldiers looked up and spotted an ISIS drone operated remotely from 600 metres away on the other side of the Tigris River, which cuts through Mosul.

Iraqi forces opened fired with their assault rifles, hoping to blast the drone before it dropped a bomb.

A few streets away, a group of young boys walked towards three more ISIS corpses.

They were shot when they tried to sneak through some trees to kill Iraqi soldiers. 

'The bodies should stay. Daesh killed lots of people so why should they be buried,' said Salem Jamil, 13, who was carrying a plastic bag filled with old electric wiring he hoped to sell.

But a local man said the bodies should be buried.

One of the soldiers stood proudly over the dead men, including one still wearing a suicide belt. He smiled and pointed to a cigarette stuffed in one of the jihadist's nostrils.

The soldier, Asaad Najif said: 'We put it there because of the terrible things they did to Iraqis. The fate of any terrorist is clear. We will find you and kill you.'

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