

All hail Cory Bernardi, Australia's one and only Donald Trump!

As we've watched President Trump boldly delivering on those promises that haven't been stopped by a court, the blue-blooded patriots of our own homeland have been asking themselves one question: who will make Australia great again?

Today our insufficiently engreatened nation got its answer – Senator Cory Bernardi, who reportedly plans to tackle the raft of problems confronting Australia by leaving its government for a splinter party.

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Split in the Liberal Party

There's speculation outspoken conservative Senator Cory Bernardi will form his own political party.

While he'll shortly be another addition to the packed crossbench, Bernardi has one asset that no other senator can boast – the majority. Specifically, the Australian Majority, a group registered by his Conservative Leadership Foundation and widely assumed to be the name of the party he will register.

This name is a masterstroke. If Donald Trump can become President with 3 million fewer votes than his opponent and claim instead that he would have won a majority but for millions of cheating illegal immigrants, why should Bernardi need a majority of voters when he can simply declare one? Getting an actual, numerical majority of voters is so pre-post-truth.

From his lofty position in the Senate, it's surely only a matter of weeks before Bernardi becomes prime minister by silent acclamation. He has called for a conservative revolution in the very title of his most recent book – and revolution means change whether people like it or not. Because when you speak for the silent majority, there's no need to ask whether they agree with you.

With him in charge, the mainstream Cory values that we all support and yet only he is able to articulate will flower like a beautiful field of daisies atop an open-cut coal mine. We will finally defeat the oppressive political correctness that prevents so many of us from proclaiming our traditional Christian beliefs and decrying single mothers, the LGBTI community and all the other powerful groups that currently rule our country with an iron and/or pink fist and are about to make us all marry one another in a giant orgy conducted at a Safe School.


Instead, we will all be united in a traditional family, with a proper Aussie bloke at its head, and the silent majority will sing "Cory" as once we sang "Warnie".

Only one person can stand in the way of this glorious future, and it's not Malcolm Turncoat or Bull Shorten. There is another contender for the position of Australia's Donald Trump – Pauline Hanson, who has been proposing Muslim bans, starring in reality TV shows, tweeting incessantly and just praised that most debonair of KGB alumni, Vladimir Putin.

But while it's true that her heady blend of ultra-nationalism and Islamophobia is Trump's platform draped in an Australian flag-cape, she's forgotten the most crucial element. The menagerie of eccentrics and conspiracy theorists she's dragooned into the Senate resembles Trump's base, not his government of billionaires. Trump is draining Washington of its political elite, only to replace it with the financial elite. And who has more support from Gina Rinehart than several members of her own family? Why, Cory Bernardi.

Only Bernardi can claim to be the Australian Donald Trump. Only the Liberal Senator for South Australia shares the president's gift for representing those on the margins despite being an insider for decades. And only he can free a homeland that's had its hands tied behind its back for so long, probably with a burqa.

For too long, our government has been weak – so weak that it would give a repeatedly-demoted Senator the guaranteed second position on its South Australian senate ticket despite constant warnings that he would defect. It's time to feel another kind of Bern, a fire that even Tony Abbott in full RFS uniform couldn't put out. It's time to feel the Bernardi – not literally, because he's married and that would be wrong. But metaphorically, like a flame fuelled by the carbon that definitely isn't warming our planet.

It's time for all Australian heroes to stop riding on the sheeple's back and get behind the only leader who can give Australia the greatness we definitely once had at some point to be determined. Let the majority stay silent, while the Australian Majority speaks at last.

Dom Knight is a writer, broadcaster and Chaser co-founder.


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