Solidarity against the Terrorist Narco-State of Mexico from Dublin, Ireland

On Saturday, 24 September, LASC and the Mexico-Ireland Solidarity Collective organised a vigil at the Mexican embassy to remember and to call for justice for the 43 missing students of Ayotzinapa and the thousands more like them who have been disappeared in Mexico.
Over a year ago, on the night of 26 September 2014, a group of student teachers in the Mexican state of Guerrero were ambushed by municipal police as they travelled in a convoy of buses through the city of Iguala. Five people, including two students, were killed when the officers opened fire on the buses, and another student was later found dead, his body showing signs of horrific torture. Forty-three other students simply disappeared without trace. The students’ disappearance unleashed a wave of public outrage fuelled equally by the attack itself and by the narco-corruption which has enabled drug gangs to infiltrate local governments and police forces across Mexico.
To mark the two year anniversary of the disappearances, protests were held across Mexico and the world to support the parents and relatives of the disappeared of Ayotzinapa.
The Zapatista National Liberation Army denounced the behavior of the Mexican government of Enrique Peña Nieto for “rewarding” people strongly suspected of perpetuating impunity in the case of the 43 forcibly disappeared students from the Ayotzinapa teachers college. “(The) cynicism and perversion of the political class (...) not only continues to pretend to search for the missing comrades, but instead, with the growing evidence showing the guilt of the terrorist narco-state, rewards those responsible for lying and trying to distort the truth even more,” read the statement by the EZLN, referring to Tomas Zeron, a state investigator who resigned for tampering with evidence and was subsequently promoted.
The WSM participated in a well-attended demonstration at the Mexican embassy organised by the Latin American Solidarity Collective. The short ceremony included a roll call for the 43, a poem, and the tying of red ribbons to the embassy fence. Our messages of solidarity will be taken to the parents, relatives and friends of the disappeared. The struggle for justice for Mexico's disappeared continues. 

Further Information

[1] Report from the 2015 Solidarity Demonstration

[2] Zapatistas Call Mexico a 'Terrorist Narco-State'

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