Dublin demonstration in solidarity with Gezi Istanbul


An emergency demonstration of some 150 people took place in Dublin Saturday afternoon in Solidarity with those under police repression in Turkey.  Check the WSM twitter for the latest updates from Istanbul and see our Fackbook album of the Dublin Solidarity demonstration.


The interview with the video is a Turkish anarchist on Gezi Park struggle in Istanbul - an explanation for those on the left recorded just before the Dublin demonstration.


Another anarchist in Turkey sent this comment to our Facebook page

In Istanbul people are making effort for wonderful days. They are angry and frustrated at the government's decision to build a shopping centre at the expense of one of Istanbul's most famous parks. But what started as a protest against the uprooting of trees is turning into a wider platform for expressing anger against government policies, oligarchy and fascism..

Environmentalists have been joined by gay and lesbian groups, as well as socialists, anarchists and union workers, members of opposition parties from across the political landscape. The excessive use of force by the riot police and the insistence of the government to pursue their plans for the park have escalated tensions. 4 people killed and 118 injured.

Please say something to us via a social platform, we really need your help and support.

International solidarity against the system

An anarchist from Istanbul

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