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2 months 2 days ago

­During the Federal election and up to our latest door knock, we’ve been talking with voters across the state to ask w­­­hat issues are important to them. We know there are so many problems in our society, and with our limited resourses we must choose where we focus our campaigning efforts.  After many conversations and analyses of data, we’ve come up with a short list of our most important, first-tier issues for the 11 March 2017 State Election. Working together we can elect more Greens representatives to Parliament at this crucial time in our history.

Rafeif Ismail, Candidate for Mirrabooka
2 months 2 days ago

Rafeif lived the early years of her life under a military dictatorship and saw first-hand the effects of war and government-sanctioned genocide take its toll on family, neighbours and country. In 2001, her parents, Rafeif and her two siblings, all under the age of eight, made the difficult and courageous choice to seek asylum, fleeing to Egypt to avoid being hunted down by the Sudanese government.