President Donald Trump. Picture: AP
media_cameraPresident Donald Trump. Picture: AP

Donald Trump: White House lists ‘unreported Australian terror attacks’

THE White House has listed five Australian incidents, including the Lindt Siege and Curtis Cheng murder, as acts of terror not covered by the media.

President Donald Trump has accused the media of deliberately minimising coverage of the threat posed by Islamic State, saying news outlets “have their reasons” for not reporting what he says is a “genocide” underway at the hands of the group.

The President did not immediately offer evidence to support his claim, made during the new commander in chief’s first visit to the headquarters for US Central Command.

media_cameraPresident Donald Trump speaks to members of military during his first visit to the headquarters of the U.S. Central Command at MacDill air force Base. Picture: AP

Later, the White House released a list of 78 attacks it described as “executed or inspired by” the Islamic State group since September 2014.

The list includes Man Haron-Monis’ December 2014 attack on Sydney’s Lindt Cafe — in which two people died — and the fatal shooting of Curtis Cheng outside the NSW Police’s headquarters at Parramatta in October, 2015.

media_cameraLindt siege gunman Man Haron Monis.
media_cameraPolice outside the Lindt Cafe in Martin Place during the stand off.

The other Australian attacks listed were the allegedly fatal stabbing by Smail Ayad of two backpackers at a Townsville hostel in August, 2016, which police immediately said was not terrorism, the Minto knife attack on Wayne Greenhalgh allegedly carried out by Ihsas Khan in September last year and the knife attack on two police officers by Abdul Numan Haider who was shot dead in Melbourne in September 2014.

media_cameraSmail Ayad has been charged over the alleged murder of Mia Ayliffe-Chung in Townsville.
media_cameraPolice employee Curtis Cheng was shot dead outside the NSW Police Force’s Parramatta headquarters.

The Lindt Siege and Cheng murders were covered extensively by the Daily Telegraph and also in the US.

A NewsCorp spokeswoman said the company had not minimised coverage of terrorist attacks.

“News Corp’s publications and websites covered the Australian events listed by the President with both professionalism and courage, and indeed called them out for the terrorism events that they were proven to be,” she said.

“Coverage of terrorism issues in Australia by our journalists, cartoonist and commentators has been determined and fearless.

The excellence of our coverage has been recognised and celebrated by multiple journalism awards.”

Also on the list are the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting, the Bastille Day attacks in Nice in 2015 and the co-ordinated terror attacks in Paris in November of the same year.

The White House said “most” on the list did not get sufficient media attention, although it did not explain how it defined the term. Some of the incidents on the list received widespread attention and deep reporting.

“You’ve seen what happened in Paris and Nice. All over Europe it’s happening. It’s gotten to a point where it’s not even being reported,” Trump told a group of military leaders and troops during the visit.

“And in many cases, the very, very dishonest press doesn’t want to report it. They have their reasons and you understand that.”

Trump, who has made relentless criticism of the media a hallmark of his presidency, did not explain why he thinks news outlets minimise attention on such attacks.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer tried to tone down the president’s remarks, saying it was a question of balance: “Like a protest gets blown out of the water, and yet an attack or a foiled attack doesn’t necessarily get the same coverage.” The list includes incidents like the truck massacre in Nice, France, that killed dozens and received widespread attention, as well as less high-profile incidents in which nobody was killed.

The list appeared to be hastily assembled, including several misspellings of the word “attacker.”

Originally published as Trump lists ‘unreported’ Aussie terror attacks